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3 active ingredients in the fight against ageing

Ageing affects all of us, without exception. Fortunately, there are substances that can help you slow it down. Meet three of the most well-known ones that are indispensable allies in the fight against age.

1. Carnosine

Also known as carnosine or L-carnosine, carnosine is also referred to as the “substance of the future” for its effects. Its highest concentration is found especially in organs with high energy requirements, i.e. heart, muscles, liver, brain. It helps to protect the body’s cells from dangerous oxidative stress, which can cause premature ageing of the skin and cells throughout the body, and even cause various diseases. For the body to function properly, it needs to have enough carnosine. With age, however, the amount of carnosine in the body decreases. Therefore, it is recommended to replenish it regularly, ideally through high-quality nutritional supplements.In addition to carnosine, Carnosine EXTRA contains five other ingredients that help to slow down ageing and maintain vitality even in old age. Thanks to its unique composition, Carnosine EXTRA releases its active ingredient in 8-12 hours. Pure carnosine is metabolized by the body within 2 hours.

2. Coenzyme Q10

Similar to carnosine, coenzyme Q10 is naturally found in every cell of the human body. It is one of the powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals. If it is deficient in the body, it can lead to the accumulation of harmful substances and, as a result, to the development of various disorders and diseases. Coenzyme Q10 is mainly used for its effects in the cosmetic industry, it is added to various creams and anti-wrinkle serums. It has a beneficial effect on the quality of the skin, giving it elasticity and a fresh appearance. It helps with clogged blood vessels and other problems with the cardiovascular system. The dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA contains up to 33.33% of the recommended daily dose of coenzyme Q10 in one capsule.

3. Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E is also called the “elixir of youth“. As an effective antioxidant, it not only copes with harmful free radicals that accelerate the aging process, but also helps protect the heart, blood vessels, nervous system and boosts immunity. Its deficiency can manifest itself in irritability and nervousness. It is naturally found in foods such as nuts, eggs, fish and oil.

Want to ensure you get enough carnosine, coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E, substances to slow down the aging process?

Carnosine EXTRA contains all three powerful antioxidants! Order it through our shop.


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