It’s finally getting hot! Couldn’t you wait either? Winter, the lack of light and sunshine also affects our mood and overall energy. But with the arrival of spring, we feel full of cheer and optimism. Many of us therefore want to enjoy it as much as possible and go for long walks. Did you know that walking is really important for our health? For at least these five reasons!
During the winter, the pounds seem to stick to us. But you don’t have to panic. Our ancestors were used to indulging in hearty (and not only) meaty meals to help them fight the cold. This “instinct” has remained with us to this day, despite the fact that, thanks to the achievements of modern times, we really don’t have to freeze for hours at work or at home. With the arrival of spring, however, we naturally start looking for lighter meals, fresh juicy vegetables or fruit. It’s as if the body itself offers us the opportunity to gradually replenish not only vitamins and nutrients, but also to get rid of accumulated toxins and pounds. If you’re not a big fan of exercise, opt for regular walks. Walking will be a great way to support the detox itself, but it will also strengthen your leg, back and abdominal muscles.
Doctors recommend regular walks, especially for older people, as an effective remedy against thinning bones and the onset of osteoporosis. Even a longer walk at a brisk pace does not cause much strain or exhaustion. However, it is important to get used to it and practice it regularly. It will help you keep fit even before middle age.
Walking is also an excellent prevention against diseases of the cardiovascular system. It naturally strengthens the heart muscle, promotes healthy blood circulation and, as a result, proper blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Several studies even suggest that it reduces the risk of stroke.
Seemingly unrelated activities that nevertheless support each other. Just a 40-minute walk improves blood circulation to the organs, not excluding the brain. If you also use the walk for pleasant conversation, learning a foreign language or listening to an audiobook, you will remember more information, even in a “better quality”.
If you are suffering from spring depression, plan a long walk for every day. Preferably before the sun goes down. You’ll pump up your vitamin D and get rid of stress hormones. How? When you walk, your brain starts producing endorphins responsible for feeling happy.
Walking is one of the most natural movements for the body. It can not only help us to be in better physical condition, but it is also an effective psychological hygiene. Prepare your body for the arrival of one of the most beautiful seasons of the year! Don’t give spring fatigue a chance and get in shape. A regular dose of carnosine can also help. Carnosine will not only protect and regenerate your body, but will also help to flush harmful substances out of your body faster. Carnosine can be found in our Carnosine EXTRA dietary supplement. This contains up to six active ingredients, including powerful antioxidants, which will ensure protection of the cells from oxidative stress, support the immune system and also suppress any inflammatory diseases in the body. Order it quickly and conveniently in our shop.