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A beautiful and healthy tan from A to Z

How to get a beautiful and healthy tan?

However, when trying to get a beautiful and healthy tan, we often hurt ourselves rather than help ourselves. Anyone who has been burned at least once in their life knows this. Itching, burning or even unpleasant blisters take days to heal; not to mention the subsequent peeling of the skin. Read our article and avoid all the mistakes so that you look exactly as you like after a good sunbathing session!

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Rule No. 1: Know your phototype

Your skin’s phototype determines the amount of melanin, or skin pigment, that protects us from UV rays. You can identify yours easily – by your skin’s reaction to sun exposure. There are four basic phototypes; the higher the number, the better the resistance to sun exposure.

Phototype I – characteristic of fair-skinned people with red or light hair, green or blue eyes and lots of freckles. They often get sunburnt and reddened in the sun, so prolonged exposure to the sun is not recommended – the natural protection time, i.e. without sunscreen, is 5-10min.

Phototype II – characterised by fair skin with fewer freckles, blue, green or grey eyes and red pigmentation or frequent sunburn. The natural protection time ranges from 10-20 min.

Phototype III – skin is tinged with brown, hair is brown to dark, with a bronze tan, and only occasional sunburn. People with phototype III are advised to spend a maximum of 20-30min in the sun.

Phototype IV – naturally tolerates sunlight best, has dark eyes, hair and skin, rarely gets sunburned. Natural sun protection time is around 40-45min.

Phototype III is the most common in our zone; however, if you can’t pinpoint yours, take the short test at the end of this article.

Rule No. 2 : Choose the right cream

Light types should definitely reach for creams with a high SPF – 30 and 50. However, beware! Even that won’t protect you all day long. To find out the length of time in the sun that won’t harm you, multiply the length of time of natural protection by the SPF. The resulting value shows the number of minutes your skin and your whole body are protected from the sun’s rays.

Rule No. 3 : Protect yourself from free radicals

Free radicals are also produced in the body by sunlight. Although we may not feel their presence, over time they will show up in our overall appearance – premature aging. Wrinkles, pigment spots may appear on the skin, it also loses its elasticity and natural healthy shade. In the fight against free radicals, powerful antioxidants will help. These can be found, for example, in the dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA. This contains, among other things, the body’s natural substance – carnosine, also called the “substance of the future”. Carnosine EXTRA already works at the cellular level, because it not only protects them from the harmful effects of free radicals and radiation, but also helps to regenerate them and remove toxins from the body.

Carnosine EXTRA can be found in our shop.

How to detect your skin’s phototype:

Determine the phototype by adding the corresponding numbers in each question, the results can be found at the end of the test.


0 light colours

1 blue, grey or green

2 dark

3 brown

4 black

2. Natural hair colour

0 reddish

1 blonde

2 auburn, dark blonde

3 brown

4 black

3. Colour of untanned skin

0 with a hint of pink

1 pale

2 beige or olive

3 brown

4 dark brown

4. Freckles

0 many

1 minor amount

2 few few

3 rarely

4 none

5. If you stay in the sun too long, the skin reacts:

0 painful blistering, peeling

1 minor blistering, peeling

2 burning, slight peeling

3 reacts by burning sporadically

4 no reaction or burning

5. If you stay in the sun too long, the skin reacts:

0 painful blistering, peeling

1 minor blistering, peeling

2 burning, slight peeling

3 reacts by burning sporadically

4 no reaction or burning

6. Tanning to brown

0 never

1 rarely

2 occasionally

3 often

4 always

7. How intense is your tan?

0 none

1 light tan

2 medium tan

3 dark tan

4 Intense tan

8. Is your facial skin sensitive to the sun?

0 very sensitive

1 sensitive

2 sometimes sensitive

3 sun resistant

4 never had a problem

9.How often do you tan?

0 never

1 rarely

2 occasionally

3 often

4 always

10. When was the last time you got a tan?

0 more than three months ago

1 2-3 months ago

2 1-2 months ago

3 a week ago

4 a few days ago



0 – 6: pale, white skin, skin always burns, does not burn


7 – 13: white skin, skin always burns, minimal sunburn


14 – 20: light brown skin, skin sometimes burns, burns evenly


21 – 27: medium brown skin, skin rarely burns, always gets a good tan


28 – 34: dark brown skin, skin rarely burns, intensely sunburned


35+: heavily pigmented dark brown to black skin, skin never burns

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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