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A story with a happy ending…

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We would like to share with you a story that we read with a good feeling and infused us with a lot of optimism and hope at the same time. But it also made us realize that our health is the most important thing we have and we need to take proper care of it.

My name is Catherine, I am 61 years old and there has never been cancer in my family before. I am writing my story to you because I hope it will help other cancer patients in the future.

In 2017, I started having problems with my tongue. I had a red, sore strip on the right side of my tongue. It was caused by a broken tooth that my tongue was rubbing against, which I hadn’t treated on time due to being very busy. Over the course of a year, my condition worsened, I saw a doctor and after a sample was taken from my tongue and a subsequent biopsy, I was diagnosed with carcinoma – a malignant tumour.Within three weeks I was operated on, the tumour was completely removed and I didn’t even have to undergo radiotherapy.

I went to the doctor every 2 months for a check-up, unfortunately after less than a year the tumour came back. This was followed by a second operation in 2018 and a third in December 2019.

The diagnosis was always the same: malignant tumour. I am being treated at a clinic in Bologna/ I have lived in Italy since 1992/ in the ” maxillo facciale ” department. The recurrence of the tumour was justified by my doctor by the very damaged mucous membrane of my tongue, which is prone to form a tumour even with a little irritation.At that time, my sister, who lived in Bratislava and worked in the health sector, obtained information about the substance sulforaphane, which is supposed to help prevent the formation of new tumour cells. And so, from 2020, I started taking a daily nutritional supplement containing sulforaphane with myrosinase. I have been going regularly every 2-3 months for check-ups. It has been almost 3 years since my last surgery, and my doctor confirmed that I have not had such a good condition of my tongue since the onset of the disease. I informed him that I was taking sulforaphane, he was familiar with this nutritional supplement and recommended me to continue taking it. The improvement in my condition has also helped me to limit my check-ups with the doctor; the interval has been extended to two check-ups a year. Sulforaphane is regularly supplied to me by my sister in Bratislava. So far I have not stopped taking this nutritional supplement.

Based on my experience, please do not put your health on the back burner and see a doctor right away, even at the slightest symptoms or health complications, so that it is not too late… Fortunately, my story has a positive ending.

Sincerely, Katarína Girgašová Piazzova


https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/sulforafan-extra-xl-pure-gold-edition.htm

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