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AHCC: A rare SUPERFOOD with SHIITAKE for the treatment of unique diagnoses!

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compounds) has endless uses and research continues to explore the benefits of this compound obtained from the undergrowth of the medicinal SHITAKE mushroom. There are groundbreaking studies on AHCC and how it relieves symptoms in patients with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver damage, infections, diabetes and inflammation. AHCC is not just a medicine. As a SUPERFOOD, it supports the body at a basic level – the body’s immunity.

What is AHCC?

It is a mushroom-based nutraceutical with properties that are clearly different from other mushroom-based foods available on the market. AHCC are sweet-tasting monosaccharides produced from the mycelium (hypomycelium – hair-like root structure) of the medicinal shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) growing in rice bran extract. Rice bran itself is known for its antiviral and immunostimulating effects. The quality control of the AHCC complex is on the same level as that of pharmaceuticals. In the production of AHCC extract, a unique method is used, which makes it possible to obtain, in addition to β-glucans, also partially acetylated α-1,4 glucan. Why is α-glucan so rare? It is a substance with a relatively low molecular weight, which makes it easily absorbed, unlike the easily obtainable β-glucan with a much higher molecular weight, which is found in most mushroom extracts on our market.

Composition of AHCC

It contains small amounts of various vitamins and minerals, with polysaccharides accounting for 44 percent!

100 grams of AHCC contains:

  • 44 g of carbohydrates (alpha- and beta-glucans),
  • 37.3 g fat, 7.2 g protein,
  • 0.3 g of vitamin B1,
  • 0.3 g of vitamin B2,
  • 0.3 g of niacin (vitamin B3),
  • 5.7 g of fiber,
  • 4.5 g of minerals,
  • 550 mg of sodium,
  • 1200 mg of potassium,
  • 1.3g water

It is used in more than 700 clinics and hospitals in Japan, primarily as an adjuvant to enhance the effect of cancer treatment. Doctors do not hesitate to use AHCC in this medical context because it is researched in the same way as other traditional prescription drugs. The quality control of AHCC is so strict that it should rather be classified as a licensed medicine. But the manufacturer fears that this classification would limit its availability to many people in Japan. AHCC is one of the natural substances that has universal applicability. It is also regularly sought by healthy people who use it not only for the treatment of various chronic civilization diseases, but also for prevention and longevity.

AHCC it is considered a SUPERFOOD. Although it comes in capsules, it is completely safe for anyone using it, including children, debilitated seniors and patients undergoing surgery, as well as in veterinary practice for animals. The shiitake mushroom is a medicinal mushroom. Preserving this mushroom to maintain health and longevity is part of Japanese traditional medicine. More than three decades have passed since the development of AHCC and its appearance on the market. It supports the body at the basic level – the immune system of the organism, which is a good indicator of the health of the entire organism. Its activity surrounds all other systems of the organism and intimately affects every organ and every body system. AHCC has an extremely high immunostimulating effect: it increases the number of cells by up to 200 percent, activates immune cells involved in “surveillance” – NK cells and macrophages, increases the production of cytokines: TNF-α, gamma-interferon, IL-2 and IL-12, suppresses immunosuppressive cytokines TGF-β, increases the Th1/Th2 balance (cellular versus humoral activity).

AHCC was originally developed to treat high blood pressure. dr. Fred Pescatore of the Center for Integrative and Complementary Medicine in New York reported that AHCC can protect against stress causing high blood pressure and preventing heart damage. In patients taking AHCC regularly, their blood pressure was often normalized and stabilized.

AHCC is successfully used in the treatment of cancer (liver, breast, uterus, prostate, stomach and intestinal tract, multiple myeloma) as an adjuvant supporting the effect of chemotherapeutics, and as a preventive agent, protecting against the side effects of cytostatics (protects the body from the suppression of hematopoiesis, prevents hair loss , reduces side effects of cancer drugs, restores appetite and prevents loss of appetite). It was also used in the treatment of HIV, hepatitis C, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic infections, diabetes (reduces the level of blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin), glaucoma. AHCC reduces inflammation and high CRP levels. These properties are used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Several studies have revealed that AHCC increases the production of nitric oxide (an essential chemical messenger produced by our body in the lining cells of blood vessels – dilates blood vessels, protects the smooth muscle of blood vessels from harmful narrowing). Allows flexibility for blood circulation at lower pressure. It regulates the function of blood platelets and protects against blood clots. Nitric oxide further reduces the formation of arterial thrombi. Through its antioxidant activity, nitric oxide also lowers cholesterol levels. Thus, it is a different mechanism by which AHCC can protect the body against cardiovascular diseases.

Who should take AHCC

People with life-threatening diseases, with chronic infection, chronic or degenerative diseases (cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases), people with chronic pain, during the flu season, exposed to a risky lifestyle, infected with candida, staph, parasitic infections , herpes or other viral infections).

Correct use of AHCC

AHCC is a pure natural food product. It is safe even at high doses. During the entire history of using AHCC, no side effects or drug interactions have been reported. On the contrary, AHCC was helpful in providing relief from unpleasant side effects of medications.

The following dosage is recommended by the Research Association for AHCC based on the experience of the doctors who prescribe it:

  • For prevention and maintenance of good health, 1 to 3 grams per day for at least 3 months.
  • Protection against the return of cancer 3 grams per day for a long time.
  • During cancer treatment, 3 to 6 grams per day.

In all cases, it is recommended that the total daily amount of AHCC be divided and taken three times a day after meals. In the case of children, the dosage is reduced to half the amount due to their lower weight.

Note: people who are prescribed medication should inform their doctor about the use of AHCC in case of possible synergistic effects.

Only one company produces AHCC, so there are no fluctuations in the quality of the final product. There is a large amount of clinical research on AHCC and data on its effectiveness that can be backed up by research.

Author of the professional article: Prof. Katarina Horakova, DrSC.,


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