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AUTHENTIC STORY! The obvious change came after the carnosine

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Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system, the nerve fibers located outside the brain and spinal cord. The severity can range from mild, with brief weakness in the limbs, to severe paralysis that renders the patient unable to breathe independently. It is estimated that this disease affects approximately 1-2 people in 100,000 each year.

The exact cause of GBS is not yet known. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately two-thirds of patients with this syndrome have experienced diarrhea or a respiratory infection shortly before developing the syndrome. This suggests that the syndrome may be triggered when the body tries to fight off an infection, with some chemical substances on infecting bacteria and viruses resemble those on nerve cells. Therefore, nerve cells also become targets for attack by the immune system.

Damage is caused by the body’s own immune system, Guillain-Barré syndrome is considered an autoimmune disease in which the immune normally uses antibodies and special white blood cells to protect us from attack by bacteria and viruses. In Guillain-Barré syndrome, however, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy nerves, impairing their ability to send signals between the brain and muscles…

The day that marked his life was completely normal, with routine household chores in Nitra. Nothing out of the ordinary, which would have foreshadowed the arrival of sudden strange conditions he had never experienced before. Ironically, he had just finished his last pill of antibiotics that morning, as he had overcome a severe flu with a bacterial superinfection, although he already felt healthy.

The unusual tingling came on the incriminating night when he suddenly awoke to the sensation in his limbs going away. It was an unfamiliar condition that started from his toes. Gradually, he felt that his limbs were no longer obeying him and so he immediately called for emergency medical assistance. Fortunately, the latter arrived quickly and then events took on a completely different dynamic. “I was very lucky, the attending physician suspected the correct definition of the diagnosis. The diagnosis was uncompromising – my immune system had attacked my own nervous system” – Dodko adds. A series of examinations at the neurology outpatient clinic then followed to rule out further diagnoses until the correct one was confirmed. “My condition deteriorated rapidly, so I had to be rescued a few hours later in the ICU. A few hours!!!! later, I could no longer move my legs at all, even with my arms with difficulty. Although I caught the initial stage of the immunoglobulin treatment in the first few days, my condition continued to worsen and I started to have problems swallowing, so they inserted a nasogastric tube” – Dodko explains.

Immunotherapy included a combination of antibiotics and immunoglobulin, while he was on oxygen machines to oxygenate his lungs. His condition continued to be extremely serious, and although his breathing problems slowly subsided, his peripheral nervous system was so severely affected that by the 8th day he was completely paralysed from the neck down. Moreover, he could not cough and had to be fed with a tube, as a result of which he lost weight rapidly. Stabilization of his breathing came after a few days, and the staff, in addition to constant care, made sure that the condition did not deteriorate further. After 2 cycles of immunoglobulin treatment, maintenance treatment with corticosteroids followed. “That immunotherapy intervention helped a little and I started to move my limbs gingerly.” After 14 days I was transferred to the standard neurology ward. His willpower was extremely strong, when he started moving his limbs gently immediately after the ICU ward, the “light at the end of the tunnel” dawned. Very slowly – he started to hold a spoon, swallow slowly, but everything was challenging.

The help and care of my wife Katka was invaluable in this difficult situation. I am very grateful to her” – adds Dodko. After his release from the hospital in Nitra, the eternal optimist Dodo was eager for a speedy recovery. He proceeded to Hlohovec for rehabilitation. Together with his wife Katka, we also looked for supplementary nutrition to support both rehabilitation and the functions that had suffered the most. I have a friend who has been taking carnosine for years and he told me that this active ingredient, in addition to repairing the nervous system, is extremely effective on the immune system. In the meantime, the doctors advised me to stay with just a maintenance oral dose of corticosteroid treatment and a nervous system support product still from the Nitra hospital. So we decided to take CARNOSINE EXTRA 250mg, 4 capsules a day – for 6 weeks. I continued my rehabilitation in Hlohovec. I felt weak, moreover I knew that at my age recovery would be in sight. “My determination was huge, although I know that patients at my age with GBD have serious problems to return to normal life. And if at all, after a very long time and with possible permanent consequences. I was very determined to fight back. – He says hopefully. ” However, after 2 weeks of taking a 1000mg daily dose of Carnosine EXTRA slow rehabilitation, he felt an obvious, intense improvement in his condition. In addition to a strange burst of strength, energy, also a noticeable cadence to his muscles, joints. “Suddenly I felt energized. Suddenly I was able to conquer something every day. It went strangely ‘rocket-like’,” he says.

At the same time, his wife bought him aids for better support, walkers, and of course she carried specially adapted food (rich in protein and milk content) for this type of load. Ironically, I was quickly able to hold a glass with one hand, cutlery stopped falling out of my hand, I was able to pour from a bottle, wash myself in the morning, etc. with the support of crutches, of course.

The staff at the hospital were amazed at the quick recovery and the sudden improvement in his condition. I definitely attribute this to the Carnosine EXTRA. I felt strong, full of strength, energy and optimism. And although I was a skeptic at first – I am sure that I can also attribute the improved concentration, return and improved brain function to the effects of this substance. However, I must also add in the same breath that I was constantly exercising, rehabilitating. Today, after 3 months, I can state that I feel like a changed person. I have not only regained my weight, optimism and the chance to live a full life after such a serious diagnosis as GBS, but above all I have a much greater desire to live. I continue to move my muscles and joints consistently, I naturally take carnosine systematically and most importantly in my opinion I have been able to reintegrate back into life in rocket-fast time. I’m sure it’s also thanks to carnosine.

“I told my story to inspire others not to give up, to fight, even when one is confronted with a strange diagnosis at a ripe old age!” adds Dodko.

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-pure-and-strong.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-60.htm

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