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Carnosine and COVID-19

In the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (citation index 2.8), scientists from Australia, India and the USA published a study on the effects of L-carnosine in disease
COVID-19. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/11/3986/htm

In the study, the authors state that carnosine appears to be an effective substance and has great potential in the comprehensive treatment of COVID-19. It may be particularly beneficial in the treatment of associated diseases related to COVID-19.

There are several reasons for such claims:

1. carnosine is a safe, available, non-prescription dietary supplement

2. A general feature of all viruses that cause human disease is a sustained increase innitric oxide (NO), which produces a highly toxic and reactive peroxynitrite that damages lung tissue and DNA. Carnosine, with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can reduce the concentration of nitric oxide(NO) and peroxynitrite, thereby aiding the immunological response against viruses (verified in infuenza A, Dengue fever and ZIKA).
Carnosine EXTRA is particularly effective in neutralizing NO complexes compared to L-carnosine (see: Why Carnosine EXTRA? https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=w8fMN0mqSQ8).

3. COVID-19 contains apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotype e4e4 as one of its components. ApoE is a highly specific gene of alveolar cells in the lung. Carnosine has a protective function in protecting ApoE.


Carnosine supplementation may play an important role in reducing lung tissue damage, morbidity and mortality associated with SARS-CoV-19 infection. The use of L-carnosine by patients with COVID-19 may be beneficial in the management of this disease and may help compensate forcation of the burden on health care systems, particularly in countries where the health care system is inadequate and underfunded.

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