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Carnosine and its revitalizing effects

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It’s amazing that such a small molecule of dipeptide can have such a large role in rejuvenating the body.
Interestingly, it was rumored that Boris Yeltsin had been taking the “Russian super-vitamin” – carnosine – for a long time, and that’s why he looked 10 years younger.

L-carnosine has the remarkable ability to rejuvenate old cells and cells in the aging process and make them fully functional and healthy. Before the results of carnosine research were known, it was thought that old cells could not be rejuvenated. Recent studies have shown that carnosine increases the time between cell divisions and also increases the number of divisions. This means that the lifetime of the cell is significantly prolonged and the dependence is direct – the more carnosine, the longer the time between divisions and the greater the number of divisions.

Numerous studies show that carnosine has great potential in the fight against ageing, as it has an extraordinary ability to protectto protect and extend the functional viability of key units that build the body, such as cells, DNA and lipids. Carnosine can rightly be called the substance of longevity. Because this substance is absolutely safe, is found naturally in the body and in food, and has been confirmed to extend the life of animals and human cell cultures, it is considered an essential life-extending substance. Its antioxidant, protective, chelating and antiglycation activities contribute to the normal functioning of cells.

Carnosine’s ability to slow down the aging process is not only due to its antioxidant action. Another mechanism by which carnosine protects cells from oxidative stress is its ability to form a chelating agent, as explained by the team of Professor Bruce N. Ames of Berkeley University in Los Angeles. Chelate formations with heavy metals – such as cadmium, copper, iron, mercury – prevent these metals from participating in harmful reactions with peroxides.

Recent studies show that patients who take carnosine for a period of time (6 to 12 months) look younger than before they started taking it. This supports the results of laboratory research and other experiments that show that carnosine can rejuvenate cell culture as well as suppress visible signs of aging in living organisms (laboratory animals). In these examinations, carnosine significantly delayed the appearance of skin wrinkles in the eye area, curvature of the spine, typical manifestations of aging. Moreover, not only did the mice that received carnosine look younger compared to the mice in the control group (without carnosine), but they also achieved a 20% longer life span.

The anti-aging effects can be explained by comparing the effect of pure carnosine and the degradation products of carnosineof carnosine in the bloodstream by a specific enzyme, carnosinase, leading to the accumulation of histidine and β-alanine. To demonstrate these differences, other living organisms were used in the following experiments, where Drosophila melanogaster, which has no carnosine-metabolizing enzymes, was used. In these experiments, similar and even stronger life-giving effects of carnosine were demonstrated where carnosinase was not present. This suggests that carnosine itself (not the products of its enzymatic degradation) demonstrates an apparent life-sustaining effect. In conclusion, the use of the natural antioxidant and antiglycation agent carnosine may open a new strategy for modern geroprotection.

Replicative abilities and the number of cell divisions decrease as cells age. Shortening of DNA telomeres occurs with each division (telomere = a peripheral complex of DNA with a protein that protects the edges of chromosomes). This shortening of the DNA after each division gives rise to a so-called DNA destruction signal (DNA damage signal) and at that moment p53 (tumour protein) is activated. Some types of chemotherapy induce premature ageing in both cancer and healthy cells. In contrast, carnosine has a powerful ability to reverse the signs of aging in skin cells (fibroblasts) and return them to functionality along with extending their life. Such effects are typical of carnosine and are used to prevent all forms of harmfulchanges in protein and phospholipid molecules, as well as to significantly limit DNA telomere shortening to prevent DNA damage. The limit on the number of cell divisions is called the Hayflick limit. This is the maximum number of cell divisions that occur before it is destroyed. The Hayflick limit refers to the cell death rate. In fact, most cells regenerate when each of the divisions splits into two daughter cells. When cells reach the Hayflick limit, cell senescence occurs. Cells that age are still alive, but are no longer able to carry out division. Their structure and function are damaged.

Human fibroblasts are very suitable for culture and laboratory research. Older cultures of fibroblasts cannot be replaced by younger ones, which are completely aligned and form groups of parallel fibres. In contrast, old fibroblasts are granular, of different sizes, ungrouped, and their fibres are irregular and of different sizes – they lose the ability to form a proper form. These important characteristics of old cells are called the adult phenotype (while young cells represent the juvenile phenotype). An Australian scientist led by Doctor McFarland conducted a remarkable series of experiments that demonstrated that carnosine rejuvenates aging cells. Of particular interest is the following – when aging cells are placed in culturere enriched with carnosine, they not only show phenotypic changes from old to young, but increase their ability to divide. Again, they have demonstrated their ability to organize, to align and to build an organized group of filaments. When they revert to a non-carnosine culture, the signs of aging quickly return. When the same cells are again placed in culture with carnosine, they again show signs of the juvenile phenotype. This has been repeated many times with the same cells and has always shown the same results. In addition, carnosine significantly prolonged the lifespan of the old cells. These experiments were later confirmed by British scientists led by Dr. Alan Hipkiss.

Carnosine delays the aging process in human fibroblast culture and can alter the adult juvenile phenotype. Regardless of the positive free radical eliminating properties of antioxidants, they have never demonstrated the ability to prevent aging like carnosine. These are just the combined, additional properties of carnosine acting on the aging process. In particular, it should be noted that carnosine is able to react with carbonyl groups to form “carnosylation” polypeptides (adducts) that inhibit the ageing process and reduce the formation of damaged proteins that are typical of these processes.

The revitalizing effect of carnosine on fibroblasts also explains why wound healing after surgery is significantly improved.

Ageing cells also produce adhesion molecules that cause blood vessel walls to thicken and stiffen (atherosclerosis). Aging cells produce other additional degradative enzymes and anti-inflammatory cytokines that act in distant parts of the body (carried in the blood). Thus, a relatively small number of senescent cells cause large changes in the function and integrity of the skin. Aged cells accumulate in all organs and tissues, where they suffer apoptosis (programmed cell death) and induce degenerative aging processes. In addition, distortion of the microscopic environment by accumulated aging cells may be the reason for the increased incidence of malignant diseases in the elderly.

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-pure-and-strong.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-60.htm

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