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Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia “nigra pars compacta” (SNPC).
✔ The development of Parkinson’s disease manifests clinically in patients as severe motor symptoms, including uncontrolled resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural imbalance.
✔ The main cause of this disease at the atomic level is free radicals and their toxic metabolites, which destroy certain brain cells. H2O2 and TPA (tetranosylphorbol acetate) are two such free radicals that can prematurely destroy brain cells. Carnosine prevents the formation of these radicals and thus protects brain cells from damage.
✔ Also, the so-called Lewy bodies in the brains of people affected by Parkinson’s disease accumulate a substance called α-synuclein, which accelerates the process of development of the disease. Alpha-synuclein generates oxidative stress. Carnosine can reduce oxidative stress and α-synuclein accumulation.
✔ Therefore, Carnosine Extra is recommended as an adjunctive treatment for Parkinson’s disease as well as for its prevention.
✔ Mitochondrial dysfunction due to oxidative damage is thought to play an important role in Parkinson’s disease. Carnosine has been shown to suppress the type of oxidative damage associated with Parkinson’s disease.
✔ MPTP is a neurotoxin that produces symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease (short-term tremor, weight loss, stiffness, etc.). One study found that in animals, carnosine (100 mg/kg for 14 days) reduced the severity of MPTP-induced symptoms. This corresponded to lower levels of lipid hydroperoxides and MAO B activity in their brains.
✔ Studies have shown that patients with Parkinson’s disease often have impaired glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase, an important enzyme found in the frontal cortex of the brain. This damage leads to decreased ATP production and increased production of a highly toxic agent, methylglyoxal. Carnosine protects against damage to the enzyme glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase.
✔ L-carnosine also promotes protein balance by reducing methylglyoxal, which is often increased in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The substantia nigra in the brain, the part where dopamine is formed, is susceptible to reacting with methylglyoxal, especially in the presence of high blood sugar. This harmful reaction is prevented by carnosine.
Carnosine inhibits malondialdehyde (MDA) toxicity in neuronal cells and limits the formation of protein carbonyls and protein cross-linking associated with Parkinson’s disease.
✔ L-dopa is often used as a way to maintain dopamine levels in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Unfortunately, some L-dopa by-products are neurotoxic (e.g., those containing aldehyde groups). Carnosine neutralizes these toxic compounds, and is therefore a fantastic adjunct when combined with L-dopa therapy.
✔ In fact, one study showed that a combination of L-dopa and carnosine therapy (1.5 g/day) improvedimproved a number of neurological symptoms such as stiffness in the hands and feet and increased hand mobility and leg agility. This corresponded to a decrease in protein carbonyls in the blood.
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