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CarnoMed is the first company in the world to analyze the administration of Carnosine EXTRA to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and demonstrate its benefits in 2020.
The study was published in the January 2020 issue of Nutrition Research.
Thus, in this study, we analyzed the effects of an innovative oral formulation of L-carnosine on autonomic nervous system performancesystem, brain metabolism, patient-reported fatigue, and health-related quality of life in a case series of patients with SM.
An open-label clinical case intervention study investigating the efficacy and safety of oral L-carnosine for the treatment of SM was organized according to CARE guidelines [5]. This case study included two women (aged 37 and 48 years) and a man (48 years) who met the 2017 McDonald criteria for the diagnosis of SM [6] and had no other major chronic diseases or acute disorders. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, use of corticosteroids and/or adjunctive substances.
On initial examination, CASE 3 patients reported a current episode (relapse) of new symptoms and/or worsening of existing MS symptoms (such as blurred vision, intranuclear ophthalmoplegiagia, urinary incontinence, incomplete voiding, increased urinary frequency and depression) , while 2 other patients experienced an episode of remission (no current relapse), with no new signs of disease activity. All patients suffered from moderate to severe weakness or increased spasticity (muscle stiffness).
The study confirmed previous observations in patients with SM who had been taking Carnosine EXTRA for a long time:
From our results, we accept our hypothesis that L-carnosine supplementation would improve the clinical manifestations of SM. Our findings suggest beneficial effects of 8-week L-carnosine as a possible adjuvant treatment to improve selected patient- and physician-reported outcomes in a male and 2 female SM sufferers. This is consistent with previous studies suggesting an important úrole of carnosine in neurological, neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex autoimmune disorder that affects millions of people worldwide and negatively impacts various areas of health and daily life.As it is the most commonly observed demyelinating disease, its prevalence varies from high levels of in North America and Europe (> 1 in 1,000 inhabitants) to low levels in East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa (~ 1 in 50,000). Given its relatively high prevalence in developed countries, the development of effective and applicable strategies to prevent or manage SM is becoming a necessity for the medical community.
The cause of SM remains unknown. Among other etiological factors, low tissue carnosine levels and mitochondrial dysfunction appear to accompany SM [2], with orlaryngeal carnosine may be useful to address impaired bioenergetics and oxidative stress in SM and possibly restore neuromuscular function [3]. However, several formulations of carnosine have demonstrated limited applicability due to limitations in brain delivery or the amount ofcon tissue [4], forcing both industry and researchers to find a bioavailable and effective formulation of carnosine.
The study: https://www.sciencedirect.com
(1) https://journals.sagepub.com
(2) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
(3) https://www.sciencedirect.com
https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra.htm
https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-pure-and-strong.htm
https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-60.htm