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Carnosine extra – Multifunctional cell protection

Broad-spectrum defense against aging, stabilization of blood sugar levels, improvement of concentration, logical thinking and memory, significantly positiveautistic disorders or anti-cancer properties – these are some of the benefits of a revolutionary preparation called Carnosine extra.

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Carnosine has a significant effect on slowing down the aging process of cells, thus helping to prevent various diseases and health problems.


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Combination of six ingredients

Carnosine extra has a unique composition that can greatly benefit your body as well. In fact, it contains up to six ingredients that together create a unique helper against the harmful effects of stress. They are believed to support immunity, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, support memory and increase focus and concentration. One capsule contains carnosine, d-alphatocopherol succinate (equivalent to 16 mg of vitamin E), L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, bilberry extract and grape vine fruit extract.

1. Carnosine

Carnosine (Carnosine Extra, Carnosine, Carnosin, L-Carnosine) is a substance found naturally in the human body, especially in skeletal muscle, heart and brain. Thanks to its optimal levels, cells remain young and healthy. After the twenty-fifth year of life, our ability to synthesize carnosine decreases. Carnosine supports proper cell function at the mitochondrial level (cell energy production) and has a key role for proper cell function. It has a significant effect on slowing down the aging process of cells, thus helping to prevent various diseases and health problems. Carnosine is a powerful antioxidant. It protects the body from harmful environmental influences, boosts immunity and promotes memory and concentration.

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E in the form of the salt d-alpha-tocopherol succinate belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is also an important antioxidant. It also performs this role very well in combination with vitamins A and C. It effectively scavenges free radicals from the external environment and thus effectively protects cells from damage. Its use also helps with blood pressure problems, as it dilates blood vessels. If there is not enough of it in the body, a person feels tired, wounds heal more slowly, recovery after surgery or an accident takes longer.

3. L-carnitine

L-carnitine occurs naturally in the body, the body produces it only in very small amounts. For its synthesis it needs other auxiliary substances – amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Its increased intake has a positive effect on physical fitness and overall health of the body. Therefore, it is recommended for athletes, people with stressful or physically demanding jobs, vegetarians and also for reduction diets.

4. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 can also be produced by the body – but it is also taken in from a suitable diet. For the general public – especially women – it is known as an ingredient in various skin creams, e.g. for anti-wrinkle and other anti-ageing products. The truth is that increased intake should be commonplace for people in their twenties when its levels start to decline. By the age of forty, only half of it is already in the body. The deficiency manifests itself not only on the skin, hair and nails, but also in reduced performance at work and in everyday life, reduced ability to regenerate, fatigue and poor quality sleep. It is used in the treatment of brain and nerve disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It has a positive effect on the fertility of both women and men.

5. Blueberry extract

The substances contained in blueberries act as antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body. They improve eyesight, strengthen the vascular system and immunity, reduce inflammation and suppress the manifestations of chronic skin diseases.

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6. Grape vine fruit extract

This antioxidant helps protect against a number of serious diseases – from tumors and cancer to cardiovascular and diabetes and obesity.

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The effects of carnosine are most pronounced on the heart and blood vessels.


A proven longevity factor

Carnosine is found in the body wherever there are higher energy requirements, such as in the brain, heart and muscles. Its function is to protect these vital areas from metabolic demands to produce energy and manage energy requirements. Our bodies produce less carnosine as we age and it becomes more susceptible to destruction. Its deficiency may be partly responsible for the visible aging and loss of functionality in numerous parts of the body that is associated with aging. If we could replenish carnosine levels in the body to baseline levels, we could halt at least part of the aging process.

Protects against cardiovascular disease

The effects of carnosine are most pronounced on the heart and blood vessels. It has been shown to reduce mortality at slaughter and mitigate its effects. Carnosine also protects the heart muscle from ischemia (insufficient blood flow) causing heart attacks, prevents the development of ischemiaendothelial cells of blood vessels from oxidation and glycation, which are early signs of the development of atherosclerosis. Considering the beneficial effect of carnosine on skeletal muscle, it is not surprising to find that carnosine also increases the contractility of heart muscle. Again, this is a multifactorial effect that is partly due to the ability of carnosine to control calcium flow and partly due to the antioxidant, buffering and antiglycation properties of carnosine.

Combats diabetes and its consequences

The global obesity epidemic carries with it the growing threat of type 2 diabetes and its devastating consequences – cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, visual impairment. Studies show that diabetic cells have carnosine levels below normal, similar to those of older adults. This may be one reason why diabetes causes acceleration of aging. Thus, carnosine supplementation can restore the original early levels of carnosine in vital tissues and offers protection against many of the complications of diabetes. Carnosine lowers blood sugar levels, reduces the long-term formation of advanced glycation end products, limits oxidative stress, increased inflammatory activity, and so-called Crosslinking of proteins not only in diabetics, but also in otherwise healthy older adults.

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Administration of carnosine in children with autism spectrum disorder clearly improves behavior and communicative competence.


Supports cognitive function

Mitochondrial medicine is concerned with the possibilities of affecting the efficiency of the autonomic nervous system (hereafter referred to as ANS) and restoring its diminished or lost regulatory abilities. The proper functioning of the ANS through the strengthening of the mitochondrial apparatus by carnosine leads in many cases to improved health. Impaired ANS functionality occurs especially in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Scientific work and studies from abroad show that children with this condition are helped by carnosine. “As an important antioxidant and neuropeptide, carnosine stabilises and protects cell membranes from all reactive oxygen species,” explains paediatric neurologist MUDr. Soňa Ostrihoňová from the SINALGIS Neurological Centre for Children and Adults in Bratislava. “I also use Karnozín extra in my practice with children who have a simple lag in the expressive component of speech – together with speech therapy interventions, the child can make very nice progress in speech. Because of its antioxidant effects, it is also prescribed as an adjunctive treatment for muscle ailments. Thus, carnosine has a wider application, not only in autism spectrum disorders. The administration of carnosine to children with autism spectrum disorder clearly improves behaviour and communication. Parents describe improved interactions with the environment, higher performance in learning and in therapies when taking Carnosine Extra in most cases. Probiotics, which affect the digestive process, and methylcobalamin have also been used in children with autism spectrum disorder, where improved social interaction of children has also been described.”

Improves exercise performance

While excess fat increases the risk of diabetes, regular exercise reduces the risk of both diabetes and obesity. Carnosine promotes exercise performance by buffering rising acid levels that build up in stressed muscles. A build-up of acid in muscles causes fatigue and pain, which eventually limit exercise performance. The increased levels of carnosine present in muscles is now recognised as a means of improvingThis is true for both trained and untrained individuals. This may be a critical factor in ensuring safety and independent living in older individuals, as with muscle weakness, frailty and risk of falls increases.


Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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