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CARNOSINE EXTRA opens new horizons in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

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Many scientific and clinical studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of carnosine on cardiovascular disorders, such as increased force of contractions myocardial contraction, regulation of blood pressure, protection against oxygen deprivation (hypoxia, ischemia) in tissues suffering from ischemic heart disease, protection against LDL cholesterol oxidation and atherosclerosis.

Carnosine has wide application as a remedy for all forms of reduced heart pumping efficiency. Studies have shown that carnosine can improve heart function, possibly by regulating cellular calcium levels – as carnosine has been shown to do in rats. In addition, carnosine reduces levels of leptin, the obesity hormone. Levels of this hormone are elevated several-fold in the blood of diabetics, but it also raises blood pressure. Carnosine also provides protection against hardening of the arteries. Carnosine lowers blood pressure through vasodilation (opening of blood vessels).

Heart disease continues to be the biggest killer, responsible for about half of all deaths. Polyunsaturated fatty acids occur as a major component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood, and oxidation of these lipid components in LDL plays an important role in atherosclerosis. With persistent high levels of oxidized lipids, damage to blood vessels occurs.

The process of damaging reactions continues and can lead to the formation of foam cells and plaque symptoms of atherosclerosis. Oxidized LDL is atherogenic and is thought to be important in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, oxidized LDL is cytotoxic and can directly damage endothelial cells.

The antiglycation and anticarbonylating properties of carnosine help to prevent harmful modifications of LDL cholesterol molecules that contribute to to the early stages of arterial plaque formation, a benefit particularly important in protecting blood vessels from damage by diabetes. But even when significant damage and blockage of the arteries occurs, carnosine offers potentially life-saving benefits. When blood flow is obstructed, tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrients as a result of ischemia. Although restriction of blood flow causes immediate damage, even greater damage occurs when blood flow is restored and oxygen-rich blood floods the area. This double hit is called ischemia/reperfusion injury and accounts for much of the disability that follows a heart attack, stroke, or traumatic injury.

In cerebral ischemia, preclinical evidence has shown that carnosine has a protective role and promotes regeneration of injured tissue. Carnosine also reverses impaired mitochondrial function in ischemia and therefore mitigates mitochondrial damage and provides protection from neuronal death (Baek et al, 2014).

In conclusion, Carnosine Extra is an excellent dietary supplement for the prevention and treatment of almost all cardiovascular disorders.

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