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Carnosine EXTRA POWER will get you in TOP shape. Even mental.

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This is one of my favourite carnosines. Not that it’s omnipotent, but just the fact that it contains ashwagandha and that has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years is good news. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine uses it to support the vitality of the body and soul.

If we were to focus on ashwagandha alone, you will find that it has multiple benefits. You will sleep better, hence fatigue will subside.And since sleep is a basic thing that we all forget nowadays, when you sleep wellyou’ll get more important tasks done, maybe even perform better in the gym.

Oh, and I can’t forget the often mentioned cortisol that blocks weight loss. Ashwagandha lowers cortisol levels and not that you will miraculously lose weight, but it will go down easier. And besides, it reduces anxiety levels. While I don’t suffer from anxiety, a lot of people in my area do, and I think it’s a much lesser evil to reach for a natural product than antidepressants and the like. I’ve actually encountered the road opinion that “I’d rather take a medicine to calm me down,” which I don’t get. You take it once, then again, increase the dose over time because it stops working, and it doesn’t solve anything. Besides, you apparently start gaining weight, as chemical drugs of that type tend to do.

If you are one of those people who find it harder to learn, again, you can reach for Carnosine Extra Power. Although don’t count on it to magically pour information into your head, but it will work. Again, I can’t attest to this, because if there was one thing I enjoyed, it was being able to learn an extreme amount, in a short amount of time. Maybe I’ll try such Chinese so I can confirm or refute this.

But to give at least some of my experience here, that’s where Carnosine Extra Power definitely helps my performance. I can get extremely wrecked in a workout and feel like I’m going to die in two hours, then get myself back together in those two hours and can work out again, or not crash from fatigue at work.But I should point out that I’ve had Carnosine Extra Power since it was launched, so my experience is not based on a week’s experience. You have to be patient, after all, no one built Rome in a day either.

Oh, and I’ve noticed that a lot of you are upset that these products aren’t free. They are not free because they are made by whole teams of people who also pay checks and have families. Besides, nothing is free these days. Even if you get some medicine at the pharmacy, realize that you have been paying for health insurance your whole life and you are getting chemistry for it, not vitamins and not natural supplements. Also, you pay more for organic products, even if they are healthier, because nowadays it is very difficult to comply with all the standards. Whether you buy something or not is up to you, but don’t expect it to work right away with a wave of a magic wand or when you are already in a dire state. Let me explain it another way – when you’ve been destroying your body for years, you can’t expect it to regenerate in a week.

So I wish you a lot of strength my friends, learn, do sports and sleep well, because that’s how you can really do everything you want.
If you reach for Carnosine Extra Power, you won’t regret it.

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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