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Client case report of patient Peter

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I am a cancer patient and have been since January 2023 when I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon adenocarcinoma after removal of a polyp that showed no signs of malignancy during colonoscopy. In early March 2023, I underwent surgery in the NOU, a right-sided hemicolectomy, during which portions of the colon and lymph nodes were removed, for preventive intervention.

I did not need any further treatment after the operation as the postoperative histological examination was negative.

From April I started taking a product called Sulforaphane EXTRA which I read about on the internet. The daily regimen involves taking 2 capsules in the morning with food. I tolerate this product well and have no side effects with it.

I had a follow up after three months after surgery and everything was fine. My next scheduled check-up is scheduled for November 2023.

Based on my experience with this product, I recommend it to my friends, regardless of whether they suffer from cancer, as an effective form of prevention.

Mgr.Peter Bene, Bratislava

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09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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