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Fighting depression: a new weapon

The past year has brought us many changes and challenges. The pandemic has also affected people’s mental health. The World Health Organisation warns that depression will become the second most common cause of incapacity for work in the world.

Recent research shows that carnosine, which until recently was perceived as a superiorCarnosine was seen as effective in autism spectrum disorders, for muscle recovery in athletes and in the fight against ageing.

Radical restriction of movement, loss of social contacts, home office and childcare all rolled into one, and in extreme cases, loss of jobs – the impact of the pandemic and quarantine measures has been felt by almost everyone. During a pandemic, people are more likely to experience feelings of loneliness, anxiety, nervousness, anger, sleep disturbances or depressive feelings. Experts believe that this is why even more attention needs to be paid to mental health in Slovakia. The results of the survey, which was conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Social Researchlation of the Slovak Academy of Sciences shows that social isolation is borne worse by young people. Similarly, research from other countries has confirmed this. “Students in particular show high levels of anxiety, depression and stress. On the contrary, older people have a variety of different preventive strategies that they can use effectively in a given situation,” says Kamil Urban from the Institute of Social Communication Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Restarts and protects cells, helps fight depression

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According to psychologists, contact with family and friends (even if only through phone calls or video calls), minimizing time spent with family and friends, and reducing the amount of time spent with family and friends are helpful in coping with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.pandemic news in the media and on the Internet, getting information only from official sources, getting enough sleep, and living a healthy lifestyle and exercising. A variety of nutritional supplements also help to relieve tension and improve mental health. According to the latest scientific studies, one such supplement is L-carnosine, hitherto known as a revolutionary preparation designed to reduce oxidative stress levels, to rebuild our cells and protect them. When administered as a nutritional supplement or supportive treatment, it is able to positively influence behaviour in people suffering from depression. “Over a six-week period, patients receiving L-carnosine showed significant and rapid improvement in score of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale,” the authors present the results, published in the prestigious peer-reviewed Journal of Affective Disorders. Patients’ scores on the Hamilton Depression Scale, a commonly used scale to assess symptom severity, improved rapidly and significantly at each biweekly assessment. The conclusions of this 2020 study are very promising; L-carnosine treatment was both well tolerated and free of adverse effects.

A natural supplement that the body needs

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What is this carnosine actually and why you should definitely remember its name? This 100% all-natural substance is a natural component of our muscles and brain. Carnosine is the primary building block of the cell and can also regenerate it. In doing so, it also makes sure that cells communicate with each other, thus ensuring the automatic functioning of our body. The problem is that its natural production decreases with increasing age. As a multifunctional nutritional supplement, carnosine is relatively new on the market. So far, it has been known mainly by athletes as a means to increase muscular endurance, as after its administration the muscle regenerated almost immediately. Very good results have also been achieved in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders. It is also effective in the fight against aging – in laboratory animals it has significantly improved their appearance and prolonged their lives. Extensive research proves that it prolongs the viability of the body’s key building units, the exact mechanism is still under investigation.

Carnosine and its enormous potential

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In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the phenomenon of carnosine’s properties, and more than 900 studies on carnosine have been published worldwide. Scientists have not only been intrigued by its remarkable cell rejuvenation and lifespan extension abilities. Experiments show that it is a multifunctional substance that can regulate various processes in the body. It reduces oxidative stress in the body, influences wound healing, slows down ageing and, as it has been shown, has anti-stress effects. Carnosine could also be useful in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders or muscular dystrophy. Most recently, experts see its potential in the treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Source studies:

Possible Benefit of Dietary Carnosine towards Depressive Disorders (aginganddisease.org)

L-Carnosine combination therapy for major depressive disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial – ScienceDirect

Article source: cas.sk

https:// www.cas.sk/clanok/1083427/nova-zbran-v-boji-s-depresiou/

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Carnosine Extra
100% natural supplement

– extremely effective superantioxidant
– increase heart muscle strength and endurance
– support heart center functionalitycentral nervous system
– improving concentration, logical thinking and memory
– comprehensive protection and regenerationregeneration of the body at the cellular level
– significantly positive effect in autism spectrum disorders
– clinicalmultiple sclerosis
– significant suppression of fatigue


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https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-pure-and-strong.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-60.htm

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