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Fitness Halm: Movement, healthy diet, carnosine!

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Easter is approaching, for some the greatest Christian holiday, for others a ‘must-do’ battle or enduring it” and for almost everyone, the vision of a gourmet experience again. I would stop at that gourmet experience.

My dear friends, the holidays may be about good food too, but in reality it is irrelevant. It’s first and foremost about recognizing who is important in your life, and you want to pause, at least for a moment, with him or her or them. After all, we are not in the past when our ancestors kept a long fast. Some even forced and high priesthood for the sake of cleansing the body. In our country, few people fast for 40 days anymore, and there are also no home-smoking plants where ham is smoked for dozens of days in a healthier way. So logically you have no reason to reward yourself or overeat over the holidays. In our time we eat a lot more than we used to, and dare I say it, we also move less. Besides, I’ve noticed that if someone has meat, rice and vegetables on their plate, at least half of the people don’t eat those vegetables. Yet when I spoke to the ethnologist Katarína Nádaska, she described to me that our ancestors used to serveham, horseradish and eggs always included what we call ‘weeds’, i.e. young dandelion, spinach and the like. They knew that this would ensure good digestion.

Nowadays, we do not have the time or the conditions to harvest young dandelion or spinach, but we do have the time to live healthier lives, although, unfortunately, even those vegetables are not what they used to be. I say this for those who still claim to have everything in their food. I’m going to repeat myself, but you don’t, because it’s not what it used to be. Of course, everyone’s experience is different and that’s why I’m not going to argue here that everyone needs to buy supplements in bulk. You don’t need anything at all, except that you have to die someday. The important part is when you live and how you live. So why not support health in these uncertain times? Even if you live a healthy life, it’s always nice to have the icing on the cake. For me, that icing on the cake is the products and supplements from Carnomed. And I should point out that I also live a healthy lifestyle. It also doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy the occasional pistachio croissant. It’s not healthy, but I adore it even though I have perhaps every intolerance I could possibly have. But 90% of my life is about exercise, learning, healthy eating, and of course work. And for all of that, you can choose Carnosine EXTRA tailored to you.

Carnosine Extra Power to keep you thinking well – Carnosine Extra Power to keep you moving well – Carnosine Extra Burner to keep your mind off sugarCarnosine Extra Diabeat and for an overall healthy cardiovascular system, to manage stress and not have wrinkles for example Carnosine Extra.

Your fitness Gabi

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