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High blood pressure

High blood pressure can be very dangerous for a person, even fatal in some cases.

When your blood pressure rises…

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…do you even know about it?
But we don’t mean situations where something makes you irritable, angry or simply “throws” you out of your own inner well-being. Everyone should know the value of their blood pressure. Statistics clearly show that high blood pressure is increasingly affecting younger and younger Slovaks, and some of them don’t even know it!

The consequences can be catastrophic. Untreated high blood pressure is responsible for serious health problems – up to 54% of strokes and 47% of heart attacks. Despite these alarming figures, many people mistakenly believe that this problem does not affect them. If you are one of them, you should beware. Because no matter your age, high blood pressure is not a choice – up to 35% of adults between the ages of 25 and 64 suffer (knowingly or unknowingly) from this problem.

White coat syndrome or masked hypertension?

Two reasons why taking your blood pressure at home or checking it with your GP simply isn’t enough to be really sure your blood pressure is OK. While people suffering from so-called white coat syndrome usually find their blood pressure monitor jumps to extraordinary heights in the surgery, for masked hypertension it’s exactly the opposite. In the comfort of home, they have readings much higher than at the doctor’s office. For correct diagnosis and the design of effective treatment, it is recommended to regularly measure blood pressure and regularly undergo preventive checkups.

High blood pressure does not hurt

Exactly! Many of us go to the doctor only when something hurts, stings, suffers from problems that they can no longer cope with on their own. The same is true of blood pressure, but the consequences of its late detection and appropriate treatment can be fatal. Indeed, this silent killer owes nothing to its nickname. According to doctors, even a person with very high blood pressure can feel well and healthy. This is mainly because the arteries and veins are still elastic. However, even these do not last indefinitely – the result can be the aforementioned stroke or heart attack. In the best case, the patient recovers, in the worst case, he or she is left with permanent consequences, and in the worst case…

Having your blood pressure under control is important for everyone’s health. Despite having a healthy lifestyle, don’t forget to check it regularly too. This information could save your life. In addition to a healthy and varied diet and regular exercise, replenish your body with a substance called carnosine. This powerful antioxidant protects and strengthens the heart muscle, takes care of the health of the entire cardiovascular system and contributes to the regeneration of the body. Carnosine can be found in our dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA, whose original 6-ingredient formula will ensure your need for carnosine for 8 – 12 hours.

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