How to speed up metabolism? The approaching swimsuit season is a kind of imaginary scarecrow, we look nervously in the mirror and make (not exactly positive) judgments about our own figure. Maybe you’ve also told yourself that those extra kilos will be “indulged” by your metabolism. In our minds, we somehow practically associate the terms diet, exercise, weight loss. However, few people can discern what claims about metabolism can be trusted. Therefore, in the following lines we will look at the most widespread myths.
The bodily processes that are supposed to keep us alive – did you know that this is how doctors say metabolism can be defined? If we break this “lesson” down into small pieces, it is the mechanism by which our body converts ingested food into energy. In this case, however, it is far from everything. The word metabolism can encompass all the chemical processes necessary for life; from respiration to digestion to cellular regeneration.
Do you too often sigh at the sight of a slim passer-by that you wish you had his metabolism? Believing that lean people work faster is one of the most common myths. Actually, it depends on body structure, i.e. the ratio of muscle to fat. The more muscle mass the body has, the faster its metabolism works.
It is true that our genes influence it to some extent, but certainly not more than our lifestyle. It is equally influenced by what we eat and how often we play sports, exercise and generally move. So we can influence it by a healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise, which also builds muscle mass. The latter, as we mentioned above, naturally helps to burn faster.
If you are one of the “chosen ones” and you don’t gain weight easily, congratulations. However, even if your metabolism works faster, it is not true that you can eat practically anything andin any quantity without it affecting your weight or your overall health and fitness over time. In fact, a long-term unhealthy lifestyle leads to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
How to speed up metabolism?
In addition to a healthy lifestyle, spicy foods and spices (chilli, ginger, hot peppers) can help. However, metabolic processes also produce waste, which the body needs to get rid of. This is the only way it can function properly. You can help it by taking the nutritional supplement Carnosine EXTRA. It helps to remove metabolic by-products, pollutants and accumulated toxins, binds metal salts to itself and thus contributes to maintaining a healthy body. Carnosine EXTRA, which contains up to 6 effective, body-beneficial substances, can be found in our shop.