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Immune system: 8 killers

8 immune system killers. Proven tips and tricks for effective immunity boosting are familiar. Whether it’s recipes for vitamin bombs, guides for effective hardening, or various treatments for a stronger resistance to viruses and infections. However, if you practice any of the things listed below, all your efforts may come to naught!

1. Sweet Life

Did you know that too much sugar is also bad for your immunity? The maximum daily dose is 6 teaspoons. If you exceed this limit, the body’s ability to defend itself automatically decreases. Why? White blood cells, which are responsible for destroying harmful elements in the body, lose this ability because of sugar. The toll of living a sweet life may not only be excess pounds, but also more frequent colds, flu and viruses.

2. Painkillers and antibiotics

If you are one of those people who, at the slightest hint of a headache or toothache, reaches for a “miracle” pill without a second thought, you are doing yourself more harm than good. Taking painkillers too often can wreak havoc in the intestines and damage their microflora, for example. As a result, it is much easier for viruses and bacteria to start multiplying in the body and cause disease. Frequent use of antibiotics has the same effect. In addition, if treatment is not justified, bacteria develop resistance and, as a result, complications arise, such as the need to rotate drugs and the length of time it takes to cure.

3. Little sleep

There is no substitute for quality rest. The body needs it to recharge and regenerate so it can function to its full potential again. If it doesn’t have enough time for this important process, not only performance, but also concentration and energy are reduced. Research has shown that lack of sleep also makes white blood cells less active, which means there is a greater chance of the body being struck down by a virus or infection.

4. Our everyday stress

While our ancestors were only stressed by existential issues, the present day, with its haste, can stress us out even with much smaller problems. The immune system also reacts to prolonged stress by weakening; not infrequently, other problems – insomnia, lack of appetite, exhaustion – are added to the mix, which certainly will not help a stronger immunity.

5. Sedentary lifestyle

Yes, even a sedentary lifestyle weakens immunity! Lack of exercise impairs blood circulation and oxygenation and increases the risk of various (not only) civilisation diseases.

6. Diets

Especially women know about drastic diets or detoxification treatments. If you repeatedly torture your body by starving or eating only fruit and vegetable juices for several days, your immunity will certainly not thank you. Long-term unbalanced diets and rapid changes in diet do not help it, even though it may seem so at first glance. In order for the body and immunity to function, it needs enough of all substances, nutrients and vitamins, which you certainly can’t get with a monotonous diet (or fasting).

7. Alcohol

Another imaginary nail in the coffin for immunity is the excessive consumption of alcohol. In this case, less is certainly more – small amounts (e.g. a glass of fine wine) have the power to(e.g. a glass of wine) have a beneficial effect on the body, but in larger quantities they are toxic to the body and are behind many serious diagnoses.

8. Smoking

This habit weakens the activity of the white blood cells, but also dries out and damages the mucous membranes in the throat and nose. These are consequently less resistant to viruses and bacteria.

Our tip: A healthy lifestyle is the most important thing for a strong immunity. Therefore, not only in winter, make sure you take plenty of vitamins, keep yourself cool by moving around in nature, and eliminate the dangerous immunity killers mentioned in our article. However, if you want to do something extra for your immunity, try nutritional supplements with carnosine, such as Carnosine EXTRA. Carnosine EXTRA is a unique, 6-ingredient product packed with antioxidants. It will help you boost your immunity, suppress inflammatory processes in the body and thus shorten the time needed to heal. You can buy Carnosine EXTRA in our shop.

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