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Insights into the importance of selected dietary supplements – knowledge on the beneficial role of carnosine and coenzyme Q10

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In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of several nutritional supplements as preventive measures in the population.

Following the principles of EBM (Evidence Based Medicine), we present the results of clinical dietary trials with selected natural dietary supplements in subjects with dyslipoproteinemia and also in a healthy population. The nutritional deficiencies in the population are highlighted, as well as the beneficial role of two other important dietary supplements – carnosine and coenzyme Q10.

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The article was published in the medical professional journal Lekársky obzor
62, 2013, issue 1, pages 30 – 36

Collective of authors: Igo Kajaba, Michael Kučera, Viera Mongiellová, Sefo Raclavský, Csila Mišľanová

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