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Learn how to get quality rest

Holiday time is approaching. Are you also looking forward to finally relaxing after months at work, gathering new energy for the rest of the year?

Do you feel exhausted and only think about the weekend during the working week? Is that right?

The answer is a resounding no. If you can’t switch off and relax five days a week, the likelihood of being able to do so on two weekend days is minimal. When the body is exhausted, it reflects on your mental and physical state. Learn to relax properly during the week too!

An active approach is essential

Nowadays, more and more of us have sedentary jobs. Physical activity is in short supply. Even though we sit at work for hours tapping away at the keyboard, we spend our free time in a similar way. If you too are hoping that this is the best way to relax, you’re wrong. This is where exercising as often as possible comes in handy. It’s the only way to keep yourself in great shape and health. Otherwise, a slowed metabolism, the presence of toxins in the body and weakened muscles will take care of even more fatigue and feeling exhausted.

Sport is a very good way to regenerate not only the body but also the mind. It also deserves rest. However, once again we run into a problem. You won’t rest mentally if you spend hours switching TV channels or on social media. Instead, you will overload your mind and brain with a lot of information with no added value. For example, talk to your friends, play at home with your kids, read, create, do something you enjoy and find fulfilling.


Circumstances don’t always allow us to make plans for our free time. So think ahead and plan your leisure activities. At the beginning of the week, take stock of what you need to do and get done during the week. Then set aside specific days when you will relax in accordance with your ideas.

Knowing how to relax is important for everyone. Only in this way can our body function reliably. The substance carnosine already contributes to regeneration at the cellular level. You will find it in the dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA, which you can simply order in our shop.

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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