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MUDr. Lenártová: Sulforaphane an effective ally in cancer prevention and anti-inflammation.

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We have the honour to welcome MUDr. Renata Lenárta, PhD, a top clinical biochemist and physician, who will provide us with an expert perspective on the potential of sulforaphane for its use and role in cancer prevention.

Let’s start with the basics. Could you please explain to us what sulforaphane is and what is its potential in health?

Of course. Sulforaphane is a natural substance found mainly in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, etc.We have here a combination of clinical medicine and biochemistry where sulforaphane has shown great potential in improving health. Its importance lies, among other things, in its anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventive properties and its ability to promote the process of apoptosis, which is programmed cellular self-destruction. Sulforaphane has also been shown to act on gene expression and support the body’s natural ability to suppress disease. dors and helps thwart disease without leading to harmful and potentially life-threatening side effects.

Why is sulforaphane considered to have anti-inflammatory properties?

Sulforaphane acts at the cellular level through activation of the so-called nrf2 pathway, which is key to regulating cellular defense mechanisms in response to oxidative stress and inflammation. The Nrf2 pathway is actually a mechanism that helps cells protect themselves from harmful environmental influences while stimulating the production of enzymes with anti-inflammatory effects.

How is ongoing apoptosis linked to sulforaphane and why is this cellular destruction important, especially in the context of cancer?

Apoptosis is a process of controlled cell self-destruction that is essential for maintaining balance in the body. Sulforaphane with the enzyme myrosinase promotes this process, which is significant because non-functioning cells, including thosethose that may be precancerous, can be removed without triggering inflammatory reactions. Thus, sulforaphane may contribute to the prevention of cancer.It is therefore important in the field of cancer prevention.

You mentioned myrosinase. Why is this enzyme important for the effectiveness of sulforaphane?

Myrosinase is the enzyme that allows the conversion of glucoraphanin, the precursor of sulforaphane, into sulforaphane itself. Without the presence of myrosinase, this conversion, and therefore the release of sulforaphane, would not occur. It is for this reason that the consumption of fresh and well-prepared cruciferous vegetables is important to ensure adequate intake of sulforaphane in the body. It is just that to be effective, it is necessary to consume large quantities and on a regular basis. This is possible in the form of a special supplement in a capsule for example.

Are there any specific studies or research that confirm the cancer-preventive effect of sulforaphane?

Yes, there are several studies that show promising results. For example, a study published in the journal “Cancer Prevention Research” investigated the effect of sulforaphane on pancreatic cells and found its ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Another study, published in “Clinical Epigenetics”, investigated the effect of sulforaphane on epigenetics, an area that is becoming increasingly important in the context of cancer risk.

How would you summarise the importance of sulforaphane in cancer prevention and general health?

Sulforaphane has tremendous potential in fighting inflammatory and oxidative processes in the body, which can contribute to the prevention of various diseases, including cancer. However, it is important to emphasize that not only a rich diet of vegetables, but also a balanced lifestyle and a conscious approach in cancer prevention is most effective in the fight against insidious disease.

Thank you, Dr Lenárt, for sharing with us your expertise and useful information on the potential of sulforaphane in the field of cancer prevention.

Renáta Lenártová, PhD, clinical biochemist and physician

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
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09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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