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Overacidified organism: why avoid it?

Did you know that according to medical findings, it can be responsible for the development of most diseases? An overacidified body manifests itself in more than just “insignificant” heartburn.

The disturbed balance of acids and alkalis causes inflammation that can lead to cancer!

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In an acidic environment, the microorganisms responsible for inflammation, or fungi, spread much more quickly, weakening immunity and removing important substances from the body. They also damage the nervous system and thus create the perfect conditions for tumour growth. It all starts with the body’s need to balance pH, which is affected by diet composition, lifestyle, stress and emotions. In order to get to neutral values, it uses regulatory mechanisms. Their principle is that it takes out various minerals (magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc.). However, the body ultimately lacks them to provide for other processes. If this process is repeated too often, it draws minerals from stores stored in teeth, bones, cartilage, muscles and other tissues. The body then becomes deficient, which manifests itself in fatigue, muscle cramps or thinning bones.

Manifestations of an overstressed body:

– Insomnia

– Water retention in the body

– Migraines

– Skin diseases

– Digestive problems

– Liver and kidney disease

– Inflammation of joints

– Heart attack, stroke

– Diabetes

– Cancer

What causes hyperacidity?

The answer is simple – it’s our lifestyle. This includes diet, exercise, the ability to cope with problems, stressful situations and negative emotions.

The main preventive measures therefore require dietary modification. Fresh vegetables, legumes and sprouts, milk and dairy products, herbal teas and pure water should predominate. Conversely, it is important to avoid fast food, fried foods, semi-finished products, animal proteins, refined sugar and white flour, alcohol. However, it is also necessary to eliminate stress to a minimum. Nowadays we encounter it daily, getting rid of it is important. Therefore, master the methods that can calm you down even in stressful situations and give you back your mental balance.

Protection against the negative effects of stress can be found in antioxidants.

Carnosine EXTRA contains the substance carnosine, which protects the organism already at the cellular level, strengthens the immune system and suppresses inflammatory processes in the body. It contributes to the flushing of harmful substances from the body, supports the heart, muscles and nervous system.

You can buycarnosine EXTRA in our shop or in pharmacies.

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09.00 - 17.00 hod.
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09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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