An important landmark in carnosine research was the work of Dr. Michael G. Chez from the US state of Illinios. He and his team conducted an interesting study in 2002 on its use in the care of children diagnosed with autism spectrumdisorders . It involved children aged between three and 12 and the experts looked at what changes occurred in them. The results showed a positive effect of carnosine and no adverse side effects were noted. Dr Chez said that 80-90% of the children improved significantly within eight weeks of starting treatment. The results showed that the children showed improvement in the areas of socialization, behavior, communication, and speech understanding, and these remarkable results were confirmed by the children’s parents. This was a so-called double-blind study in which one group of children received a placebo and the other a carnosine, with neither the experimenter nor the participant knowing which person was receiving which substance. The study reported that carnosine positively affected comprehension and speech production, hearing, socialisation, awareness of surroundings and the use of fine motor skills.
She answered our questions about autism spectrum disorders in children.
In the treatment, or rather, in influencing the biggest problems of children with autism, preparations are also used that are not of the nature of neuropharmaceuticals, but they are preparationsthat eliminate oxidative stress. Such substances include carnosine – as an important antioxidant and neuropeptide, it stabilizes and protects cell membranes from all reactive oxygen species, prevents the development of oxidative stress and stops the process of protein deformation. It is specific in that it reaches both free radicals and tissues. There, free radicals form dangerous compounds such as lipid peroxides and secondary products, which carnosine is able to eliminate. It also protects against the effects of heavy metals, it can remove these metals from the body. It is contained in the dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA. In children with autism spectrum disorder, it clearly improves behaviour and communicative skills. Parents describe in most cases improved interactions with the environment, higher performance in learning and in therapies. In addition to carnosine, probiotics, which affect the digestive process, and methylcobalamin are also used in children with autism spectrum disorder , where improved social interaction of children is also described.
I also use Carnosine EXTRA in my practice with children who have a simple delay in the expressive component of speech. Along with speech therapy interventions, it can move a child along very nicely in speech expression. So it has a broader application, not just for autism spectrum disorders. Due to its antioxidant effects, Carnosine EXTRA is prescribed as an adjunctive treatment for muscular disorders.
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Carnosine Extra, Carnosine, Carnosine, L-Carnosine