Premature aging has its symptoms. Ageing is spoken of as “the only justice” because it is afforded to each one of us indiscriminately.Sooner or later, we will have to cope with growing grey hairs, wrinkles or, on the contrary, declining energy, mobility or even memory. Although this is an irreversible process, it does not always take place at the same pace for everyone. How can you tell if you are ageing prematurely?
According to several scientific studies, walking speed is tied to life expectancy. The faster you can walk one meter, the longer you live; people with slower walking speeds reportedly live less. The most natural movement is one of the most reliable indicators of physical and mental fitness. This is because it requires the involvement of important organs, including the heart, lungs and nervous system; energy and control of individual movements are also important. According to experts, 4 kilometres per hour is considered ‘normal’.
Not being able to open a jar of pickles or homemade compote is not yet a tragedy. However, if you find yourself unable to cope with more weight, a heavier load or even holding a bigger glass of water, for example, you should beware. Weakness in the arms is indicative of overall body weakness, reduced vitality and compromised health. The good news, however, is that strength in the hands can be trained – by squeezing an anti-stress ball, working out or doing various manual tasks.
The skin is the largest organ. It is no wonder that aging shows itself on it. It doesn’t always have to be the typical wrinkles or pigment spots. An indicator of premature aging can be chronic dryness, the formation of scales. The basis for restoring vitality is therefore good nutrition from the outside and inside. Sufficient intake of the necessary vitamins and minerals is therefore necessary not only in the diet, but also through quality cosmetics. Do not forget about sun protection products.
Despite sufficient sleep, you may wake up at night for no apparent reason – at 2.00, 3.00 or 4.00. It can be triggered by a disturbance in the so-called circadian rhythm. Each of us has a biological clock that is synchronised with the light-dark cycle. However, as we grow older, their harmony deteriorates, which can be evidenced, in addition to the aforementioned awakenings, by falling asleep during the day.
Coping with ageing is not easy. However, staying in shape even as you get older doesn’t have to be so difficult. The substance of the future – carnosine– can help. It protects the body’s cells from free radicals, which are one of the causes of premature ageing. Carnosine can be found in the dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA, which you order in our shop.