What impact does psychohygiene have on health?
Physical and emotional exhaustion, mood swings, decreased appetite or, on the contrary, frequent overeating – these are common images of modern life.
If stress and nervousness are added to this, health problems appear very quickly. Physical rest is necessary, but not sufficient. An important part of preserving and maintaining solid health is daily psychohygiene.
After all, our personality consists not only of the physical side, which can be regenerated by healthy sleep. Our brain also needs rest and a “reset”. Ignoring or neglecting this natural need causes, for example, the aforementioned sleep disruption. It is usually true that if we do not have our head in order, problems in the body occur very quickly.
Long-term stress, which is characteristic of the current hectic times, is often the trigger for various diseases. Experts warn that chronic stress weakens immunity, making the body less resistant to viruses and infections. Long-term stress causes modern diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and migraines. Depression and anxiety are also common symptoms.
Psychohygiene is also important for everyday life. It is also required in other emotionally stressful situations, such as an argument followed by anger, sadness, frustration or disappointment. Psychohygiene is a way of dealing with these quickly and with the least detrimental impact on health.
Psychohygiene should represent activities that make us happy, can put us in a positive mood and thus return balance to our “I”. Finding exactly the right ones may not be easy.
A variety of factors can have an impact; from survival rates to personality traits to social environment. The key is lifestyle balance. If you work manually, less physically demanding activities are optimal psycho-hygiene for you. A sedentary job will compensate for sports or other physical activities, e.g. gardening, hiking, etc.
Health needs to be taken care of in a holistic way and have a well-balanced lifestyle linked to a healthy psyche. The latter takes a beating due to long-term stress.Therefore, think about prevention, pay attention to psychological hygiene and ensure a sufficient supply of antioxidants, which help to protect the body from the negative effects of oxidative stress. You can find them in the uniquely formulated dietary supplement with carnosine Carnosine EXTRA in our shop.