Sport and healthy lifestyles are coming to the fore especially nowadays. Not only young people are looking for sports activities that fulfil them physically and mentally. Motivations vary; however, it is important to constantly overcome new challenges and increase the difficulty to achieve the desired goal. But how do you recover after a hard workout?
Lifestyle plays a crucial role in maintaining robust health. Proper dietary modification and inclusion of regular physical activity can ward off the onset of many civilization diseases, improve overall vitality and health status. It is no wonder that a healthy lifestyle is preferred by more and more people. However, regular workouts can give you a hard time. Anyone who is involved in any physically demanding activity knows this for a fact. Exercise or training often results in (muscle) fatigue and exhaustion. To keep moving forward towards your goal, don’t forget to recover thoroughly! We have some tips for you to relax perfectly.
Massage gets the blood circulating and blood flowing through the muscles; lymphatic drainage promotes the flow of lymph and faster flushing of waste substances from the body. Research shows that massage can prevent muscle soreness and also contributes to faster muscle recovery.
Both options have their pros and cons. The natural physiological response to cold or icy water is that the blood concentrates to the organs it wants to protect from the cold. With increased blood flow, muscles release lactic acid more easily and begin to recover more quickly. Cold water also relieves pain and swelling, which can be very valuable information after a hard workout. However, the rule of thumb is that only a healthy body can be subjected to such a temperature shock.
In contrast, a hot bath stimulates blood flow to the skin and muscles, helping to flush out lactic acid and thus relieve pain. However, take caution with stretches, when a hot bath is more likely to be detrimental. Remember that a bath with pleasantly warm to hot water effectively regenerates not only the body but also the mind.
If you lack energy after a workout, you can also get it with the right food or drink. A fruit smoothie or a protein drink can help – in case of exhaustion and fatigue, carbohydrates will provide quick energy. Protein is needed to rebuild and increase muscle mass.
The best means for comprehensive recovery and rest is undoubtedly good quality sleep. However, it has been shown that after physically demanding activity, it takes the body several hours to “calm down” and be able to rest. For this reason, it is not recommended to plan your workouts for the evening. However, if you have done one workout during the day, it is worth going to bed earlier to give your body more time to recover.
Are you looking for something to help you not only recover faster, but also to perform better and increase your endurance during workouts? Then Carnosine EXTRA may be right for you. It contains the substance carnosine, which supports muscle function and helps to neutralize lactic acid in the muscles. Order it through our shop.