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Sulforafan and me – an incredible story

Eleven years ago in May 2009, a very intense, initially cryptic correspondence began between Vadim Klyushnichenko, Ph.D., PMP, CSCP, and myself from the USA. I learned that someone unknown “behind the big cloud” had been looking for contact with me for a long time.

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In addition to several of my former colleagues from the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, he asked for help via e-mail from the then Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Microbiology in Bratislava, Prof. Ing. Dušan Bakoš, DrSc. And so, for the first time, I was reminded of long-forgotten memories of my research activities.

I learned that he had come across my name while searching the literature, when he wanted to find out – at the request of his boss – who was the first to publish on the anti-tumour efficacy of sulforaphane isothiocyanate. He checked whether I was the author of the publication. At first he did not want to reveal the name of the person who was interested in me.

I was so shocked and surprised by the questions he bombarded me with that I did not question his credibility and answered him. I knew that there was a great deal of interest in this isothiocyanate in scientific circles in the U.S., and already in the general public, and this molecule was impressing many experts with its multiple preventive and curative talents.

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[article_image : left : 1 : Prof. RNDr. Katarína Horáková, DrSc.]

Prof. RNDr. Katarína Horáková, DrSc

Read the full article

This article was originally written at the request of engineer/R&D Darrell Smith of Caudill Seed Co., USA in 2016 and was added to by the author in 2020 when Sulforaphane EXTRA was launched by CarnoMed


https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/sulforafan-extra-xl-pure-gold-edition.htm

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