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✅️It has long been no secret that eating certain fresh fruits and vegetables not only has beneficial effects on our health, but can also act as a preventive measure against many civilisation diseases. In this context, broccoli has been mentioned very often in recent years.
✅️Prof. RNDr. Katarína Horáková, Dr.Sc., is a pioneer in the study of the effects of fresh broccoli on the human body, who with her scientific team was the first to discover, more than 50 years ago, that broccoli contains the so-called glucoraphanin, which when combined with the enzyme myrosinase produces the substance sulforaphane.
✅️”To have the greatest bioavailability and the strongest effects, sulforaphane must be fused with the enzyme myrosinase.”
✅️As a result of her research it has been confirmed that this chemoprotective substance can fight cancer cells very successfully.
✅️In recent years, many studies have been carried out, the results of which point to sulforaphane’s ability to influence the development of cancer.
✅️In the PubMed.gov database alone, this recognized chemoprotective substance sulforaphane with glucoraphanin appears more than 700 times when queried in conjunction with the word “cancer”. With its unique ability to regulate human genes in such a way as to protect them from mutagenesis, sulforaphane acts as a cancer antagonist.
✅️Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD, Registered Dietary and Wellness Manager, Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, OH, cited the results of a 2011 study that found that eating whole cruciferous vegetables (e.g. broccoli) increases absorption of cancer-fighting nutrients.
✅️The experts in the study they focused specifically on a key enzyme found in broccoli, myrosinase.
✅️Myrozináza, which is necessary for the formation of sulforaphane, is responsible for the health benefits of broccoli. Under intense scientific scrutiny, sulforaphane is the focus of hundreds of published studies that suggest it may be an effective weapon in the fight against cancer.
✅️The results of a 2009 study showed that sulforaphane is able to turn genes on and off in order to stop the replication and spread of cancer cells.
✅️Sulforafan can also cause cancer cells to self-destruct, a process known as apoptosis.
✅️Research has shown that sulforaphane blocks DNA methylation and controls certain processes in cell cycle progression that would otherwise contribute to cancer development.
✅️Researchers in Oregon found that sulforaphane may have therapeutic potential for patients with high-risk prostate cancer.
✅️This is important because, according to the American Cancer Society, approximately 15% of men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer at some point during their lifetime.
✅️Consumption of sulforaphane has been shown to be effective in selectively seeking out malignant cancer cells while offering protection to healthy cells.
✅️ Sulforaphane has also been shown to act on gene expression and support the body’s natural ability to suppress thedors and helps thwart the disease without leading to harmful and potentially life-threatening side effects.
✅️Between 2013 and 2015, a study was conducted to determine whether sulforaphane had an effect on prostate cancer cells. The team published the results in 2019.
✅️Transcriptional changes in the prostate of men at active follow-up after a 12-month intervention with glucoraphanin-rich broccoli – results from the randomized controlled trial of the effect of sulforaphane on prostate cancer prevention (ESCAPE)
✅️When the study was conducted, there was evidence to suggest that sulforaphane may affect the development of prostate cancer.
✅️Researchers wanted to see if it could help prevent prostate cancer. In this study, men with prostate cancer ate broccoli soup once a week for a year.
– Some of the men had broccoli soup that had higher levels of glucoraphanin than normal broccoli. Glucoraphanin is converted to sulforaphane in the body.
– The research team took samples of the men’s cancer cells when they joined the study and a year later when the study was completed. They looked for changes in the cells and compared the results for the different groups.
– The study was for men who had early stage prostate cancer that was contained in the prostate gland.
✅️They have had regular check-ups and blood tests, but did not need treatment yet. They were under active surveillance.
The 61 men were randomly assigned to 3 groups:
✨️Skupina 1 (20 men) had regular broccoli soup with normal glucoraphanin levels.
✨️Skupina 2 (23 men) had broccoli soup with high glucoraphanin levels.
✨️Skupina 3 (18 men) had broccoli soup with extremely high levels of pure glucoraphanin.
The results showed that men who had soup with high and extremely high levels of pure glucoraphanin had fewer cell changes compared to those who ate broccoli soup with normal levels of glucoraphanin.
✅️Cancer seemed grew more in the men who had regular broccoli soup.
✅️The research team concluded that the broccoli soup with extra glucoraphanin affected cellular changes, and that sulforaphane did indeed have an effect on prostate cancer cells.
✅️For more information about this research can be found in the reference below.
✅️They were written for health care professionals and researchers.
✅️Bioavailability of sulforaphane availability and chemopreventive activity in men presenting for prostate biopsy: A randomized controlled trial: Nutrition and Cancer: vol. 72, no. 1 (tandfonline.com)
– Nutraceutical intended for long-term use
– Provides effective protection and prevention against oncological, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
– Helps with diabetes and inflammatory diseases.
– The enzyme myrosinase converts glucoraphanin to sulforaphane when absorbed in the small intestine, while enhancing its effects.
– Sulforaphane has an absolute bioavailability of about 80%, peaks in the bloodstream about 1 hour after ingestion and is active for almost 20 hours.
1.Prof. RNDr. Katarína Horáková, Dr.Sc
2. Sharon Donovan, TON – September 2017, Vol 10, No 5 The Role of Sulforaphane in Cancer Prevention (theoncologynurse.com)
3. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Apr. 109(4);1133-1144. Published online 2019 Apr. 14. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz012
This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health (P01 CA090890 and S10RR02787801) and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, Hatch Funds. Clinical trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01265953. Protocol ID = Portland VA-09-0607.