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Sulforaphane, the most effective Nrf2 activator in the fight against COV-19

Sulfofaran, as antiviral protection

News published on Nrf2 transcription factor and Covid-19.

A large international group of scientists (Denmark, UK, Spain, USA, Canada, Chile, Canada, Chinana) analysed publicly available lung samples infected with Covid-19 virus and compared them with healthy lung samples. Based on this research, they found that Nrf2 gene/protein activity is suppressed in Covid-19 patients.

Nrft2 (induce glutathione production, regulate the production of antioxidant enzymes, and promote the production of protective enzymes of the cell’s ph2) are activators that enhance antiviral protection and prevent viral replication in cells (1).

SARS-Covid-19 has been found to cause overproduction of reactive oxygen species, which exacerbates the progression of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Reactive oxygen activates the redox system, enhances oxidative mechanisms and impairs antioxidant processes thereby suppressing Nrf2!!!

A significant advance in this direction was the discovery of the function of the so-called The main regulator ofNrf2 transcription factor , which helps the cell to cope with oxidative stress induced by toxic or carcinogenic substances. It is one of the most important defence mechanisms of the cell, protecting it from external and internal stress. Nrf2 is located in the cytoplasm of the cell. If the cell is exposed to elevated levels of oxidative stress, KEAP1 activates Nrf2, which moves into the cell nucleus, attaches to DNA and activates processes leading to the formation of a protective shield.In the healthy cells of our body, Nrf2 is most abundant in the kidneys, muscles, lungslungs, heart, liver and brain (ranked from most to least abundant)

Sulforaphane supports our body’snatural detoxification process against environmental threats found in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we consume. By activating Nrf2, it helps increase the production of important phase 2 detoxification enzymes and stimulates the body’s natural ability to create large body’s own antioxidants, thereby promoting the removal of harmful metabolites that can cause damage to DNA and proteins and fats in our cells.One of the main antioxidants that sulforaphane helps produce is glutathione, which protects cells from free radical damage.

Scientists have found that sulforaphane is the most effective activator of Nrf2. The universal distribution of Nrf2 in different tissues of the human body significantly increases the potential of sulforaphane’s protective effect. It stimulates the body’s natural ability to generate large amounts of its own antioxidants by activating the master regulator Nrf2, and therefore itsIts effect as an “indirect antioxidant” is many times stronger than that of directly acting antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E, trace element selenium-Se).

It is believed that ifsufficient amounts of Nrf2 activator are provided through the diet or through dietary supplements, this will create the conditions for an increase inantioxidant effect and suppress the damaging effects of the redox system, leading to the maintenance of full cellular functionality(2).

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sulforafan extra


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Sulforaphane EXTRA

is a natural product and the most powerful Nrf2 activator,
which may help create a new and effective strategy to combat the ongoing pandemic.


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Information source:



1. Olagnier, D., Farahani, E., Thyrsted, J., Blay-Cadanet, J., Herengt, A., Idorn, M., Hait, A., Hernaez, B., Knudsen, A., Iversen, M.B. and Schilling, M., 2020. SARS-CoV2-mediated suppression of NRF2-signaling reveals potent antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity of 4-octyl-itaconate and dimethyl fumarate (vol 11, 4938, 2020). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 11(1).
2. Bousquet, J., Cristol, J.P., Czarlewski, W., Anto, J.M., Martineau, A., Haahtela, T., Fonseca, S.C., Iaccarino, G., Blain, H., Fiocchi, A. and Canonica, G.W., 2020. Nrf2-interacting nutrients and COVID-19: time for research to develop adaptation strategies. Clinical and Translational Allergy, 10(1), pp.1-18.

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