What are the symptoms of a heart attack? Pain, pressure or burning behind the breastbone, often extending from the upper limbs through the neck to the jaw. If it lasts more than 20 minutes, it is probably a heart attack. Detecting it early is vital – if the sufferer gets the help they need within 2 hours, serious consequences can be avoided.
Heart attacks and cardiovascular disease have long been one of the leading causes of death in the country. In general, smokers, overweight and obese people and the elderly are among the risk groups. Increasingly, much younger age groups are also having to deal with such problems. While cardiovascular disease can be treated with medication and lifestyle modifications, heart attacks come on suddenly and can result in death.
A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of a healthy heart. It benefits especially from exercise, as it is a muscle. Physical activity is particularly important in sedentary jobs. People who work in this way have a higher risk of ‘abdominal obesity’. This affects men with a waist circumference of more than 102 cm, and women with a waist circumference of more than 88 cm. However, there is a risk of a heart attack when the waist circumference is above 94 cm for men and 80 cm for women.
Smoking also contributes to the occurrence of a heart attack. It damages the blood vessels, increases blood pressure, causes hardening and narrowing of blood vessels. A smoker is also significantly less likely to survive a heart attack. The likelihood increases if a person smokes more than 5 cigarettes a day.
In addition to lifestyle modifications, proper nutrition can also help heart muscle health. Appropriate nutritional supplements can also help with this. The substance carnosine is naturally found in the heart and protects its cells from stress and negative environmental influences. Together with 5 other active substances, you will find it in the supplement Carnosine EXTRA, which you can conveniently purchase via our e-shop.
A heart attack is a sudden interruption in the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, as a result of which part of it may die. It is manifested by pain, pressure, burning spreading from the sternum to the jaw. This lasts for approximately 20 – 30 minutes, after which the muscle dies.
However, there is also a so-called atypical infarction, which affects the lower part of the heart. It manifests itself similarly to a gallbladder attack – the person vomits, feels nausea and sometimes toothache. However, in some cases, the heart attack takes place without any commonly observable symptoms.
The most important thing is to devote enough time to recovery. Postpone your previous activities and follow your doctor’s advice.