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The human brain hides many secrets. Its fascinating abilities, the way it works or its unknown “nooks and crannies” have been the subject of countless researches for years. Thanks to this, there are some myths in society that are certainly familiar to many of us. But have you heard these facts?
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Everyone’s memory has a capacity. If it fills up after a while, the brain automatically lets go of the memories and information it works with the least. Thus, at times we may have trouble remembering the correct procedure for solving logarithmic equations or important dates in history. Do you need to remember something important even for years? Then only one thing applies – repeat the information often .
Although it may sound a bit absurd, it is quite likely that if you have a thought, idea or dream stuck in your brain, you will manage to achieve it. This is due to the human brain’s inability to distinguish between reality and imagination. However, be careful, this is true not only for positive wishes, but also for negative ones.
Never resting, at night he even works much more than during the day. That’s when he sorts all the information he has gathered. He needs to rest from time to time, but still remains active. Therefore, activities such as reading, doing crosswords, puzzles or logic games are suitable.
A fact that gives many of us pause. In order for the brain to continue to work perfectly in old age, it is important to be able to look after it properly. Apart from regular memory training (e.g. by studying, memorising texts, etc.), it also requires a good diet, enough sleep and fresh air. It is also important to provide him with constant new stimuli – new places, experiences, activities – that develop him.
People working mentally may feel tired at the end of the day from the amount of information they have come into contact with. However, the truth is that this feeling has nothing to do with the brain and is purely an emotional matter.
Our tip: As we mentioned above, the long-term effective functioning of the brain and central nervous system requires proper care. This starts with a healthy diet, which should not lack antioxidants. Carnosine is one of those that protect and support brain and central nervous system function. It helps to improve logical thinking, memory and concentration, which makes it possible to be fit even at an older age. Carnosine can be found in our dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA. Its up to six ingredients, in addition to the brain and heart, also take care of protecting the body from stress. You can order it in our shop.