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The more carnosine, the fewer wrinkles

It is scientifically proven that carnosine slows down physiological processes in the body and is able to prolong cell life.

Scientists also refer to it as the substance of the century for this reason. It was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Russian scientist Gulevich. Initially, it was intended for Russian cosmonauts and served them to reduce the stress of space flight, to supply the necessary energy and thus maintain good condition.

Carnosine is a biologically active dipeptide, which consists of two amino acids and is a 100% natural substance, inherent to our body. The body metabolises it from the food it eats, especially meat. It belongs to the list of natural protein metabolism regulators. Unfortunately, as we age, the body’s ability to make this substance decreases.
The highest concentrations are in organs with high energy requirements – the heart, brain and muscles.

Slows ageing

Telomeres are the terminal regions of chromosomes that protect stretches of nucleic acids from loss, damage, miscombinations, and faulty replication during cell division. Through the process of repeated cell division over time, telomeres degrade and break down, resulting in their shortening. Telomere shortening results in a reduced capacity for cell renewal, i.e. ageing.

Based on scientific studies, it has been shown that carnosine slows down the process of telomere shorteningr and therefore has the rare ability to rejuvenate old cells and change them into fully functional and healthy ones.

Experimental studies have further confirmed that this substance can increase the time between cell divisions and at the same time increase the number of divisions by 150 percent, thus significantly extending the life of every cell in the body.

It also restores collagen in the skin while improving its structure.

Multifunctional substance

  • Proven to reduce oxidative stress in the body.
  • Transmits excitations in the brain and nerves, improves memory and logical thinking.
  • Carnosine protects brain proteins and biochemical parameters.
  • Beneficial in neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy
  • Positive effects in people with PAS (autism spectrum disorders), especially in the area of adaptive and social dysfunctions.
  • This precious compound reduces the damage to the body caused by the effect of blood sugar on proteins – glycation, which damages the whole body.
  • It significantly eliminates fatigue and provides the body with sweaty energy.
  • It has also proven itself in cardiovascular diseases.
  • Ideal for athletes, it improves recovery and muscle contractility.

Stronger than vitamin C

Currently, carnosine is the most powerful antioxidant when it comes to destroying free radicals. It is active in the event of attack of tissues by dangerous compounds produced by free radicals. Even to a greater extent than vitamin C. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, cataracts, inflammatory and degenerative processes of the joints.

Heavy metal eliminator

This powerful antioxidant also has the ability to chelate metals. It removes heavy metals such as copper, zinc, iron, but also arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium or nickel from the body, protecting it from their toxic effects.

Chelate therapy is used for detoxification, but also as a complementary treatment for various diseases. It can bring a number of beneficial effects:

  • reduction of high blood pressure
  • improving blood circulation to organs and extremities
  • dilating constricted blood vessels and increasing their elasticity
  • elimination of pain in the limbs
  • increasing enzymatic activity.

How to have enough of it?

Carnosine is found only in animal foods, most notably in dark meat. Therefore, it may be lacking especially in vegetarians. As we have already mentioned, its production in the body decreases with age and it is therefore recommended to take it in the form of a dietary supplement, especially after the age of 35. Carnosine is expected to become an essential daily nutritional supplement for people of all ages.

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Karnozín ako súčasť stravy a jeho vplyv na starnutie, kortizol a depresiu


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Carnosine Extra
100% natural supplement

– extremely effective superantioxidant
– increase heart muscle strength and endurance
– support heart center functionalitycentral nervous system
– improving concentration, logical thinking and memory
– comprehensive protection and regenerationregeneration of the body at the cellular level
– significantly positive effect in autism spectrum disorders
– clinicalmultiple sclerosis
– significant suppression of fatigue


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https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-pure-and-strong.htm

https:// www.carnomed.sk/produkty/karnozin-extra-60.htm

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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