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The plague does not have its season. What helps with a cold?

Or does it?

A cold sore is a viral disease that pleases no one. What helps with a cold? The truth is that it troubles us much more often in the transitional seasons, when the weather changes literally from day to day. However, this year’s cold May and the expected sudden warming is a “breeding ground” for this annoying disease. So don’t be surprised if it afflicts you too. You’d better be well prepared for it! We offer you useful hints and tips on how to fight the cold (victoriously).

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Colds are popularly spoken of in the same way as the flu: untreated, they last for seven days, treated for a week. It starts quite subtly – itchy nose, swollen mucous membranes, difficulty breathing, which we don’t even notice at first. The watery nasal discharge is gradually joined by tiredness, dizziness and headaches, but everyday life is made very unpleasant by the loss of smell or the feeling of our ears getting blocked. The good news is that these complications subside after a few days. The bad news is that you will “enjoy” them together. How to deal with a cold so that it complicates our lives as little as possible?

  • Although rhinitis is considered to be one of the milder diseases, the difficulty in breathing and other unpleasant symptoms can really wear a person out. No wonder he gets irritated at such times. Therefore, minimize all your duties, case at least postpone those that do not burn.
  • Try herbs. Steaming or inhalation are good methods to effectively relieve the respiratory tract and at least temporarily make breathing easier. Sage, mint or chamomile, for example, are suitable.
  • Make a stock of nasal skin care products. Even the finest tissues will not prevent irritation, scratching and redness over time. For example, opt for greasier creams or gels, or ask at the pharmacy.
  • It is difficult to fall asleep with swollen nasal mucous membranes. So try a little trick – put wet socks on your feet, followed by dry socks. You’ll breathe better.
  • Strengthen your immunity. But not just during colder periods or flu epidemics. Virtually anything can weaken or undermine the body’s defences – even excessive physical or mental stress. Therefore, support it all year round, for example by taking the nutritional supplement Carnosine EXTRA. It contains a mix of up to six active substances that strengthen the immune system, suppresssuppress inflammatory processes in the body and contribute to the protection and regeneration of cells.You can order Carnosine EXTRA quickly and easily in our shop.

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