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The truth about ageing

For some a natural process, for others a bogeyman. The human body ages, with symptoms noticeable in each individual. Perhaps you, too, believe some of the myths associated with ageing.

But how is it really?

Is it worth relying more on genetics or a healthy lifestyle?

This is where one of the biggest divides about ageing comes into play. One view says that a healthy lifestyle has little or no impact on older people. Good looks in old age are thus attributed to genetics. The other part believes that a healthy diet and regular exercise must somehow naturally “preserve” the body. So is there a clear answer?

As with most questions like this, the truth is in the middle. The human body begins to age sometimes sooner than many of us would like to believe. Thanks to good genetic makeup, we can look younger even at an older age compared to our peers; for example, in the face. Conversely, our hair starts to turn grey in our thirties, we have a slower metabolism, and health problems are associated with it. It is therefore a good idea to stop relying on ancestral predispositions and start taking care of our physical and mental health and vitality before it is too late. Take inspiration from our practical advice.

Skin first

The largest organ of the human body is the first to start showing signs of ageing. Poor lifestyle and neglected care are most often reflected in the overall condition of the skin. Of course, not only internal, but also external factors (frost, sunlight, smog, …) play their part. We should therefore be particularly diligent in caring for the skin and the skin on our hands. The first wrinkles and pigment spots appear on these parts of the body. From the age of 25 onwards, experts therefore recommend increasing hydration with creams and following a drinking regime.

The skin’s requirements for nutrients from the diet also increase with age. Conversely, too much alcohol, coffee or cigarettes have a toxic effect on the body. The accumulated pollutants can cause wrinkles, dull and greyish skin to form more quickly.

So that muscles don’t weaken

If you don’t already play sports regularly, definitely start. Regular exercise is recommended for younger and older people alike. Even as you get older, physical activity doesn’t have to be a problem. Just choose one that will not only meet your exercise requirements, but will be fun and relaxing. This is the only way to prevent muscle wasting and loss of physical strength. Younger years can choose more challenging, active sports. For older people and seniors, calmer, recreational sports such as Nordic walking, swimming and yoga are also very beneficial.

Our tip: Do you want to do everything you can for your health and fitness? In addition to a healthy lifestyle, our Carnosine EXTRA can also help you to slow down ageing. It contains up to six active ingredients, acts as an antioxidant and contributes to cell regeneration. You can order it in our shop.

Carnosine Extra, Carnosine, Carnosine, L-Carnosine.


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