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UV radiation – both helpful and harmful

UV radiation is both helpful and harmful to the human body. Summer is inexorably approaching, despite a cold May. Can’t wait for the real summer weather full of sunshine? After all, it recharges us with energy – it has undeniably positive effects on our minds and bodies. However, too much of everything is bad for you.

How and why is UV radiation dangerous for us?

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How to protect ourselves optimally? Find out in the following lines!

The sun not only gives us warmth and light, but also allows important processes in our body and in nature to take place. In addition to the production of vitamin D, it also destroys bacteria and germs; without it, photosynthesis in plants would not be possible. No wonder our ancestors adhered to the saying: ‘Where the sun don’t go, the doctor goes’, so as long as we take it in adequate quantities, our bodies benefit from it beyond doubt. But what if we (consciously or unconsciously) indulge in more of it than is appropriate? The UV radiation it contains can cause us various health problems.

How the sun harms us

You may remember from your school days that sunlight contains several components. Apart from visible radiation, there is infrared (the feeling of heat on the skin) and ultraviolet radiation. It is the latter that poses a threat to our health. The good news is that nature has provided a “shield” to protect us from them – the ozone layer. However, the bad one should be mentioned right here – it is not in such a “condition” nowadays, so much more harmful radiation will be left to reach us. This is subsequently absorbed by our bodies too; especially the largest organ – the skin. UV rays don’t just act on its surface, but penetrate inside and aid the formation of free radicals. These are responsible for damaging the skin and thus contributing to its faster visible ageing. Alarmingly, its cells are no longer able to regenerate. An increasingly common consequence of excessive radiation is various skin diseases, which are often permanent.

The alpha and omega of prevention

Experts warn that the number of patients with skin cancer (as a result of exposure to radiation – sun or sunbed) is increasing every year. For this reason, it is very important to know how to protect yourself from excessive radiation. If you want to bring back bronzed or even chocolate skin from your holiday, you should think carefully. The skin has a very good memory – it remembers every single sunburn and long stays in the sun. So use sunscreens with a high SPF. During the sun’s most intense rays (from 11am-3pm), hide in the shade. Take particular care when ‘dosing’ children, as their skin is much thinner and does not have enough colouring (melanin) to protect it.

Protect yourself from free radicals

Although sunlight is essential for our health, too much of it can harm us. As we mentioned above, it is largely responsible for premature ageing of the skin, which develops wrinkles and pigment spots. So make sure your body is protected from free radicals and get enough antioxidants. You will find a highly beneficial mix of up to 6 effective antioxidants and other substances in our dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA.

Carnosine, also called the “substance of the future“, helps protect the body’s cells not only from free radicals, but also fromradicals, but also from oxidative stress, thus contributing to their regeneration and supporting the immune system. Carnosine EXTRA can be found in our shop.

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09.00 - 17.00 hod.
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09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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