Varicose veins can cause major problems. In the beginning, they act quite harmlessly. It’s hard to imagine that those tiny blue veins on the legs could be a harbinger of serious disease. But varicose veins are one of those diagnoses. Are they a threat to you too? How to prevent them and why they should be dealt with by a specialist you will find out in the following lines.
Women are much more susceptible to developing them. The onset of the disease is manifested by a feeling of heavy legs, burning, itching, muscle cramps during sleep or pain along the veins. Cracked veinsare visible on the skin – the whiskers, which are blue to burgundy in colour.
Despite the efforts of doctors and professionals to spread awareness about the risks of varicose veins, people consider the above symptoms normal and do not address them. Gradually , the health condition worsens and in advanced stages, the disease can lead to serious threats and damage to health.
C0: feeling of tired legs, swelling of the lower limbs, night cramps, burning, itching, pain when standing and sitting for long periods
C1: formation of so-called C5: healed shin ulcers of venous origin
C6: unhealed shin ulcers of venous origin
C2: visible varicose veins
C3: visible swell ing
C4: hyperpigmentation, eczema and other changes in the skin of the legs
C5: healed shin ulcers of venous origin C6: unhealed shin ul cers of venous origin C5: healed shin ulcers of venous origin
Influenceable: overweight to obesity, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle, prolonged standing, inadequate muscle load, lack of fibre in the diet, inappropriate clothing, frequent wearing of high heels, smoking, etc.
Influenceable: age, sex, pregnancy, genetic predisposition.
Untreated varicose veins can result in serious health complications. Very painful is, for example, inflammation of the veins, which can affect the deep venous system. Dangerous is also the so-called berzer ulcer; it occurs at the points of the shins. It extends deep into the subcutaneous tissue and literally opens up the varicose vein. Here, however, we can already talk about a chronic disease – it often recurs and takes a very long time to heal. A major health risk is venous thrombosis – a clot forms in an impassable or insufficiently perfused vein. If it enters the circulation, it can clog a major blood vessel and cause, for example, a pulmonary embolism or damage to vital organs such as the brain or heart.
Varicose veins are one of the most widespread diseases not only in this country, but also in the world. Before you start to notice the first symptoms on yourself, take care to prevent them thoroughly. In addition to following the principles of a healthy lifestyle, be sure to have regular preventive check-ups with your doctor. Make sure your diet contains antioxidants, which not only protect and strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also suppress inflammatory processes in the body. For example, carnosine is one of the most powerful and proven antioxidants . Treat your body to a good dose of this “substance of the future” contained in our dietary supplement Carnosine EXTRA. Thanks to its original 6-ingredient formula, you can get enough carnosine for the whole day in just two doses. You can order Carnosine EXTRA in the shop.