Already prehistoric man noticed that plants could not only serve for sustenance, but that they could also heal or be beneficial in some other way. That is why the development of botany has gone hand in hand with the development of medicine since ancient times.
In the past, medical treatment relied primarily on medicinal plants and less on substances of animal or mineral origin. Since medicinal plants and their constituent substances are of natural origin, they are considered to be the most natural medicinal substances. Treatment with plants, or with dosage forms prepared directly from medicinal plants, is called phytotherapy. It is said that it is actually herbalism built on scientific foundations.
In total, there are about 15 thousand known herbal remedies in the world. There are about 15,15 medicinal plants in the world. In Europe alone, there are around 1,000 species of medicinal plants recorded, and around 800 have been used in folk medicine. Currently, about 150 species of medicinal plants are used in phytotherapy in our country. In order to be able to determine more accurately the possibility of their action and use, it is important to know the content of their medicinal substances. These medicinal substances are present in plants in different amounts and often serve as the basis for the production of certain medicines.
There is evidence that medicinal plants have been used for treatment since at least 4000 BC, and evidence has even been found that they have been cultivated. In 3000 BC, the first medical book in China, the Nei King, was published and authored by the emperor Huang-Ti. Natural healing was also developed in ancient Egypt, by the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans and penetrated Europe from the Roman Empire. The most famous physician who relied on a natural lifestyle, natural remedies and especially the effects of medicinal plants was Hippocrates. When our territory was settled by Slavic tribes, herbalists and vedmas were treating with natural remedies. They took advantage of the rich flora of our territory, which provided them with a wealth of medicinal plants. During this period, most of the healing was carried out in monasteries and therefore the cultivation of medicinal plants was concentrated in monastery gardens. The most famous monastery in our country was the Red Monastery, where the parish priest Cyprian worked as a physician.
Phytotherapy is used for the prevention of various diseases and serves to maintain health, but also to promote the treatment of various problems related to physical health. It helps to cope with the healing process easier and faster.
He was born in Moseley, Birmingham. He was of Welsh descent.
From an early age Dr Bach was a great lover of nature, had a need to be useful and was very keen to help people. The first step towards fulfilling his desire to help people was that he studied medicine. He became a bacteriologist at University College Hospital in London. While practicing, he noticed that apart from treating the symptoms of the disease on a physical level, no one was addressing the emotional (psychological) state of the patient. No attention was paid to improving the patient’s emotions, his fears, insecurities and mental turmoil. It was felt that the emotional (psychological) state of a person also significantly affects the course of the treatment process and hence its final outcome. So he set out to find a remedy that would have a beneficial effect and would also help on an emotional level. He became acquainted with the ideas of homeopathy, which were very close to his own. Dr. Bach developed a range of homeopathically prepared vaccines used internally that were very effective in relieving many chronic ailments. They eventually became known as the Seven Healers. He discovered the healing energies of selected species of plants and trees. Dr. Bach was inspired to return to nature by the gentle, non-invasive and non-toxic essences that can bring harmony and restore balance to the mind and body. Since 1936, ordinary consumers and doctors around the world have begun to use the many flower essences invented by Dr. Bach.
“Flower essences are capable, like great music or any other wonderfully uplifting thing that that gives us inspiration, to resurrect our true nature and bring us closer to our own soul. Thus they will bring us peace, ease and relieve our suffering. Suffering for its own sake.”
Flower essences are unique in that they bring an individual return to nature and replenish the very thing we need most, to nurture and heal ourselves with the pure, untainted life force of nature. Health is harmony of mind, body and spirit, including healthy emotions, and that is exactly what we want to achieve when we undergo treatment. Healing eliminates problems and returns us to a healthy state of body and mind. Sometimes the flow of feelings inside gets blocked. That’s when emotions go out of balance, and the state of emotional health suffers. The problem arises when we hold these important emotions inside, suppress them, don’t express them at all or express them inappropriately. Emotional health comes with the proper expression of emotions and their transformation into positive aspects. If the negative states are caught at the outset, with the help of the Bach essences, we can again achieve mental harmony; illnesses may never manifest on a physical level.
Flower essences are effective catalysts for emotional transformation. The essences work as catalysts for releasing outdated and unhelpful emotional patterns and states of mind. Emotional healing is essential for health. Flower essences are powerful catalysts that allow healing to take place smoothly, without panic and in privacy.
The effect always depends on the particular person and their emotional states. If the emotional state is deeply rooted and repressed, it may take several weeks to feel the effect. Conversely, when you feel tired from the day and take Olive, you will feel the invigorating effect immediately. Similarly, Mustard/Mustard can quickly dispel your sudden states of sadness. However, if you still don’t feel a change after two weeks, you may have overlooked some aspect of your problems and should reconsider your choice of essences or possibly add one more. Bach essences are very gentle and it is possible that an impartial person among your acquaintances will notice the effect on you rather than you yourself. The improvement comes at a gentle and natural pace, so that the personality can easily adapt to it. It may be that after a few weeks of treatment, other manifestations of your personality will still appear.
The Bach system is the first flower essence system to be discovered. It covers all the important basic emotions that concern every person.