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The world commemorates February 4 every year as World Cancer Day. This initiative was proclaimed by the Union for International Cancer Control in 2000 and since then, every hundreds of activities and events have been held around the world each year to raise awareness of the problems associated with the disease.

CarnoMed decided to join this campaign as part of its agenda of social responsibility and respect for cancer prevention, which is one of the pillars and a dynamic part of its communication with the public.

Onco-prevention is currently becoming a subject of increased research and interest in the field of health science. In this context, different approaches, including sulforaphane research, play a key role in the search for effective and cost-effective means of cancer prevention.

The two-component cancer-preventive nutraceutical Sulforaphane EXTRA is the object of attention for its potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. Studies show that this natural substance can influence various signaling pathways in the cell that are associated with cancer cell formation processes. In the case of sulforaphane, it is a discovery under which is also signed by the renowned Slovak scientist Prof. Katarína Horáková, DrSC, PhD., who 60 years ago was the first in the world to scientifically confirm the oncopreventive effects of sulforaphane in in-vitro conditions with a team of scientists at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Sulforaphane and me – an incredible storyExpert studies and author’s articles (carnomed.sk)

[embed_video : https://www.youtube.com/embed/oLNrp4K1-2c]

Genetic predisposition and personalized medicine are also important approaches to identify individuals at higher risk of cancer and tailor prevention strategies.Healthy diet and lifestyle are inseparable in the context of cancer prevention. In addition to eating foods rich in phytochemicals, it is important to emphasise regular exercise, weight control and limiting the consumption of harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol.

Cancer prevention is a complex endeavour where different approaches and methods are combined to minimise the risk of cancer. Including sulforaphane and other natural ingredients in the diet may be just one of many tools in the fight against this serious disease. This is what the expert consultant, top clinical biochemist Renáta Lenártová, PhD, MuDr. MuDr. Lenartova: Sulforaphane an effective ally in cancer prevention and anti-inflammation – https://www.carnomed.sk/blog/sulforafan-ucinny-spojenec-v-boji-proti-onkodiagnozam-a-zapalom.htm

As part of our responsibility on this topic, we have decided to support the patient organization NO CANCER o.z., which has long been dedicated to the protection of the rights of cancer patients, in addition to cancer patient support and education

“On Sunday 4.2. 2024, we decided to offer customers lucky number 13 – a discount on the purchase of originalSulforafan EXTRA nutraceutical, for a “happier” purchase and at the same time support the patient organization NO CANCER o z with the proceeds from the event.However, we believe that for all concerned cancer prevention will bring first solid health and or relief “.

adds CarnoMed CEO Štefan Pogány

carnomed onkoprevencia

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09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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