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Order for diagnostic measurement

In our outpatient clinic, we will examine you with the VARICARD device and tell you exactly what state the cells of your body are in.

General diagnostics is carried out by the method of heart rhythm variability analysis and evaluates the management of physiological functions in the human body, thereby able to detect risks even before the outbreak of the disease or its appearance the first symptoms. The examination itself is very simple. The VARICARD has four sensing clips that clip onto your body, and your only task is to sit still for five minutes. The result of the examination is a record from which the doctor can read the state of control and regulation of the internal environment and the organism, the level of stress and the adaptability of the organism to stress. The nearest free dates are 14.11. (14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20). To order, call +421 914 336 337.

Instructions before measuring

It is necessary that you:
  • have not taken any food for at least 2 hours
  • they didn't drink coffee for at least 2 hours
  • have not smoked for at least 1 hour
  • they didn't exercise
  • stay awake for at least 15 minutes in a quiet mode in the pleasant environment of our waiting room
The 40-minute visit is divided into a measurement part, which does not exceed 10 minutes, and a part focused on consultation and advice.

Price list

  • Adult examination €40
  • Entry examination for a child €30
  • Control examination adult €30
  • Checkup child €20

Do you need advice?

Po-Pia: 9-17 h
Our experts will help you with diagnostics and customization of our products exactly according to your needs.

MUDr. Iveta Malíková, MPH

She has been working as a general practitioner for adults for 15 years.

Opening hours

09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.
09.00 - 17.00 hod.

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