We cordially invite you to a meeting where Manon Genčíková will share her experience.
When: 23.11.2016 at 18:00-19:30
Where: at the premises of CarnoMed, Partizánska 2, 811 03 Bratislava
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The story of the Genčík family
“I asked Ilya if he wanted porridge, and he said yes. I almost fell off my feet because I wasn’t expecting it at all. He hadn’t said a word until then, and if he had spoken at all at times, it had been only hardly definable sounds. Suddenly it was a meaningful consent,” describes Bratislava resident Manon Genčíková (37) the surprising moment that came shortly after she started giving her son carnosine pills. Ilja was almost five years old at the time. Since birth, he had suffered from hypotonia, which weakened his muscles, he could not stand up, he did not speak.
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Autism …let’s help them find their way
CarnoMed works very closely with Michael Kucera, M.D., an internationally recognized expert in mitochondrial and bioregulatory medicine whose practice focuses on children with autism spectrum disorders.