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Reviews: carnosine EXTRA instead of coffee!

Carnosine is my love.
I enjoy it daily, both me and the children. Gradually my parents and grandparents too.

I started because of my son, who originally had diagnosed epilepsy (now 8 years later they have removed that diagnosis) and I saw a big difference when I gave it to him and when I didn’t. He always came completely alive for me (as such an epi seizure, takes a lot of energy and is a load for the brain)… I started taking it later too, out of curiosity of what it would do to me, especially when playing sports, and I also felt the difference significantly when I took it and when I didn’t… so I explored further… I started to notice not only physically, but also mentally. So sometimes when I didn’t have the energy at work or in Chinese class, I would refill and suddenly I was like back in the game… then when my grandmother started complaining to my grandfather that he wasn’t what he used to be, that he was forgetting and was slower and so was she, it dawned on me that they could try too… and the most surprising thing for me was and is that even though they are retired people, who are also retired, they can’t do it anymore. they save everywhere, they always buy the carnosine regularly and enjoy it… because they just feel it. You can’t not feel it there and not see it when you put the right amount in.

I’ve found that you can totally work magic with your body’s own biochemistry with it- I sometimes only take 3 capsules and other times I take 6-7 capsules before or after some major physical/mental exercise.. my kids are both in elementary school now and I give them 2 capsules every morning and 3 when they have a paper or sport 🙂

I can’t imagine a day without carnosine and I’m really not exaggerating. I carry it with me everywhere and talk about it everywhere because it’s a total life hack. I say carnosine = energy. People, use it instead of coffee. You’ll not only protect your ph (since coffee over acidifies the body), but also your heart and brain. It’s the most direct form of E, which. Plus, it helps you with serotonin. And most of all, it’s one of the few things ever that can burn cortisol!!!- our stress hormone (then there’s sport and oxytocin:)…

Well, at my work in the cadastre, for example, you can find it in every other office, because one colleague started it, then the next and the next, because they feel the effect. What they remember the most is that the fatigue disappears and it’s easier to work afterwards 🙂

We love this invention, many thanks
Patricia Kuklovska

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